Perfect excuses for the SO

Can anyone come up with some good excuses to duck away from the SO for a couple of hours, so a hobbyist might be able to enjoy the hobby? Excuses I've tried so far...
-Happy hour (good as long as SO doesn't ask your buddies about it)
-Golfing (If I golf alone good. If in group, then risk being asked)
-Work late (I'm hourly, so need to show some OT in the check)
-Best excuse I can find is when I travel for work. (Sorry honey, I forget to call, I got lost...) but I've been traveling less and less.
So can anyone provide some really good excuses to account for missing time? Without having to risk her asking your buddies?
joshf26's Avatar
Is your SO someone that really checks up on you and always calls where your at?
Brielle Devonshire's Avatar
Going to the gym is the best excuse. You just have to commit to actually going when you are not visiting a lovely lady.
I do hit the gym, and work out hard so I come home smelling all funky. A provider doesn't work me out that hard. But it is a good excuse. Maybe I can say all the machines I use were taken...
joshf26. My SO doesn't call to checkup on me all the time. I'm just trying to come up with an air-tight alibi, just in case she does start asking questions.
For me, the best is to take a long lunch during work, or something along those lines.
Lariyah_Cash's Avatar
You could start showering at the gym when you actually do go, then just shower after your date.

I think most guys try to get away on their lunch break or right after work on the way home. You could also offer to start running the errands, I'm sure she would appreciate that!!

I do hit the gym, and work out hard so I come home smelling all funky. A provider doesn't work me out that hard. But it is a good excuse. Maybe I can say all the machines I use were taken... Originally Posted by Rooks989
Are you in New Mexico Lariyah? PM me if you will be there next week?
DocHolyday's Avatar
Hey Rooks, volunteer for the neighborhood crime watch and get together before or after your shift. You could also just tell her it's none of her business and let the chips fall where they may.
swizzzle's Avatar
One thing I have done that is pretty foolproof is this: I pick up a cheap tool or something at Home Depot that I need for some project at home and keep it in my trunk for later. Then when I am ready for a little pute, I already have this mission already accomplished and can go straight to the provider and still produce the item as proof that I was somewhere legit.
First of all there are not many ways men are smart enough to fool a woman for very long! Think about things that CANNOT be verified!!! Hitting the gym might be a little shakey if you both belong to the same gym or have check ins anywhere or know anyone else that really is at the gym! Oil Change that took a little long is not bad because you can provide proof of that if needed. Having the car checked out for a funny noise you heard takes little time but cant really be traced. Just make sure your back story is real Name and Address of place etc. Buddy collaboration is good but it must be a friend that has your back because then they own you so to speak. Women have radar that is unreal so just remember....the first story you tell that isn't solid is like a trap door. She will track down the evidence count on it. You back story must be SOLID and unverifiable...WM:mf_bluesbrot her:
Start doing things that are unpredictable!! Shop for your wife, etc. Being too predictable is a killer because then stories smell funny for sure. When you do these unpredictable things make SURE you can prove it...WM
Business travel used to be my perfect excuse. No way the SO could check-up on me. Oops, forgot to charge the phone, or forgot it's another time zone sorry I'm an hour late... Unfortunately I do not travel as often so no longer have that excuse.