Ohio. A shining monument to Red State policies and moral standards

What can you say about Trumpys that they haven't proven repeatedly.

Here is one of their proudest policy achievements.
Keep up the good work.

Man charged in rape of (banned topic) girl who had to travel for abortion

"An Ohio man has been charged in the rape of a (banned topic) girl who had to travel to Indiana to undergo an abortion, a case that’s been decried by President Biden in the days since the story garnered international attention.
Gershon Fuentes, 27, was arrested Tuesday after he allegedly confessed to authorities that he had raped the (banned topic) on at least two occasions, according to the Columbus Dispatch, which first reported the news. Fuentes, whose last known address is in Columbus, was arraigned on Wednesday on a charge of felony first-degree rape. He is being held in Franklin County Jail on a $2 million bond."

So it seems Trumpys are pro-choice after all. They choose to allow this to happen.
They choose to say nothing about it.
They choose to pose this punishment on an innocent (banned topic).

They admit anything after Trump, beauty pageant girls, and his own daughter is a step up.

HedonistForever's Avatar
And now "for the rest of the story". What is the first thing those of us paying actual attention to this story thought? Especially reading this regurgitation of left wing talking points above. No mention that the rapist was not "an Oho man", he was in this country illegally and was apparently living in a "sanctuary" city that protects illegals, criminals and non criminals a like, makes no difference to these people.

This rape was supposedly reported near the end of June, so the police knew about the rape back then but probably wanted to get their ducks in a row, meaning cover up the fact that an illegal did this because they knew the community would be outraged by this.

The abortion doctor then spoke about it in public, violating the Hippa regulations and could be charged criminally, she won't. But this was the narrative the pro abortion people were looking for and if they had to "dress it up" a little bit, make up a few parts that officials say isn't true, why should that surprise us, they would.

The AG of Ohio said there was no need to cross state lines because Ohio's "heartbeat law" has exceptions for situations like this according to the AG. But hell, that would ruin the narrative, wouldn't it?

But now, all Ohioans are aware of what happened and they can decide to change their law if they are sufficiently outraged by this partially true story, the true part being that a rape did occur.

The only people that "allowed this to happen" were the guardians.

If what the OHIO AG said is true and I have no reason to doubt him, right now, this abortion could have been performed in Ohio. That is what the AG of Ohio said. Just a minor footnote that might be important to the story.
He just regurgitates old debunked stories...
HedonistForever's Avatar
He just regurgitates old debunked stories... Originally Posted by bb1961

It's a problem I think a whole lot of people have. Some call it "confirmation basis" and I'll bet I have done it myself though I try had not to do it.

We look for a story, a highly controversial story is best. We then see whether it is saying what we hope it will say based on our on bias, which of course we all have in one way or another.

The OP wants to make a point, in my opinion whether it is true or not, showing how this human tragedy could have been prevented if only Ohio hadn't passed the law they did limiting abortions to approximately 6 weeks but I'm told that "6 weeks never appears anywhere in the bill". So my first question is "is that true"? And I presume though I probably shouldn't, that the first thought of the OP was "got them". I can now use this as a political weapon and who cares if it is accurate or not.

What the bill says, I'm told, is a "heartbeat bill" and it is that 6 weeks is when a first heartbeat can be detected but that apparently isn't an exact science and the very real fact that a women will likely not know she is pregnant at 6 weeks.

When I looked at the OP, I only had one thought. Is it true and have they told me everything there is to tell about the story.

You see, I'm "very skeptical" about such stories so I look for a counter veiling opinion, do a little research and decide if either side has the story right.

Now all I can do is pick the story I think best tells the story without bias.

I doubt the OP thought the same thing and saw a story he could jump on to get his narrative out there and hope it sticks but when a story "isn't complete" for what ever reason, you hold yourself out to being told "your wrong" and I ought to know because I'm told that quite often though mostly by the same guy.

If I have said anything here untrue, please let me know. I have no problem what so ever admitting when I'm wrong, you just have to prove it to me and this OP didn't prove to me that I had the whole story.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The perp was arrested and charged.

Someone musta believed it was true.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It's a problem I think a whole lot of people have. Some call it "confirmation basis (SIC)" and I'll bet I have done it myself though I try had not to do it.

We look for a story, a highly controversial story is best. We then see whether it is saying what we hope it will say based on our on bias, which of course we all have in one way or another.

The OP wants to make a point, in my opinion whether it is true or not, showing how this human tragedy could have been prevented if only Ohio hadn't passed the law they did limiting abortions to approximately 6 weeks but I'm told that "6 weeks never appears anywhere in the bill". So my first question is "is that true"? And I presume though I probably shouldn't, that the first thought of the OP was "got them". I can now use this as a political weapon and who cares if it is accurate or not.

What the bill says, I'm told, is a "heartbeat bill" and it is that 6 weeks is when a first heartbeat can be detected but that apparently isn't an exact science and the very real fact that a women will likely not know she is pregnant at 6 weeks.

When I looked at the OP, I only had one thought. Is it true and have they told me everything there is to tell about the story.

You see, I'm "very skeptical" about such stories so I look for a counter veiling opinion, do a little research and decide if either side has the story right.

Now all I can do is pick the story I think best tells the story without bias.

I doubt the OP thought the same thing and saw a story he could jump on to get his narrative out there and hope it sticks but when a story "isn't complete" for what ever reason, you hold yourself out to being told "your wrong" and I ought to know because I'm told that quite often though mostly by the same guy.

If I have said anything here untrue, please let me know. I have no problem what so ever admitting when I'm wrong, you just have to prove it to me and this OP didn't prove to me that I had the whole story. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
you need to downgrade your spell check.

its "confirmation biases"
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
What can you say about Trumpys that they haven't proven repeatedly.

Here is one of their proudest policy achievements.
Keep up the good work.

Man charged in rape of (banned topic) girl who had to travel for abortion

"An Ohio man has been charged in the rape of a (banned topic) girl who had to travel to Indiana to undergo an abortion, a case that’s been decried by President Biden in the days since the story garnered international attention.
Gershon Fuentes, 27, was arrested Tuesday after he allegedly confessed to authorities that he had raped the (banned topic) on at least two occasions, according to the Columbus Dispatch, which first reported the news. Fuentes, whose last known address is in Columbus, was arraigned on Wednesday on a charge of felony first-degree rape. He is being held in Franklin County Jail on a $2 million bond."

So it seems Trumpys are pro-choice after all. They choose to allow this to happen.
They choose to say nothing about it.
They choose to pose this punishment on an innocent (banned topic).

They admit anything after Trump, beauty pageant girls, and his own daughter is a step up.

Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
I guess your thunking device doesn't work very well. This is an indictment of liberal thinking, policies, and character.

We have a young girl in a serious situation. Why? Because an illegal alien had his villainous way with her. That's a liberal thing. So, this young girl needs help. Someone finds her a lawyer. A liberal lawyer. She withholds help from the young girl until a certain deadline has been reached. That a pretty heinous liberal thing to do. Use a young girl as a pawn. So, now, the liberal lawyer takes the young girl across state lines to an doctor who does NOT report this. That means the illegal is free to continue his predatory ways. Another liberal thing to do. Only when the word gets out and the honesty of the lawyer and doctor are called into question do they flip on the illegal SOB. He gets arrested. The cherry on this shit sundae is...the liberals (and you know who you are) are trying to blame conservatives and Trump? WTF does Trump to do with any of this? Bunch of sick bastards on the left.
texassapper's Avatar
What can you say about Trumpys that they haven't proven repeatedly. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Considering the rapist is an illegal alien, it's more accurate to Blame Biden and Democrat immigration policies for putting that illegal alien rapist into the community where he was able to rape her.
lustylad's Avatar
Considering the rapist is an illegal alien, it's more accurate to Blame Biden and Democrat immigration policies for putting that illegal alien rapist into the community where he was able to rape her. Originally Posted by texassapper
But but but... Cum-a-lot is still working to identify the "root causes" that propel rapists to sneak into our country illegally in the first place. Be patient!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Backpedal and change your tune.

Maybe blame yourself for creating and promoting a world that put that kid in the situation she found herself in.

Always someone else’s fault, isn’t it, Trumpites?
lustylad's Avatar
Ok, who wants to start a thread titled "(Insert Name of Blue State Here), a Shining Monument to Failed Libtard Policies and Immoral Standards"?
What can you say about Trumpys that they haven't proven repeatedly.

Here is one of their proudest policy achievements.
Keep up the good work.

Man charged in rape of (banned topic) girl who had to travel for abortion

"An Ohio man has been charged in the rape of a (banned topic) girl who had to travel to Indiana to undergo an abortion, a case that’s been decried by President Biden in the days since the story garnered international attention.
Gershon Fuentes, 27, was arrested Tuesday after he allegedly confessed to authorities that he had raped the (banned topic) on at least two occasions, according to the Columbus Dispatch, which first reported the news. Fuentes, whose last known address is in Columbus, was arraigned on Wednesday on a charge of felony first-degree rape. He is being held in Franklin County Jail on a $2 million bond."

So it seems Trumpys are pro-choice after all. They choose to allow this to happen.
They choose to say nothing about it.
They choose to pose this punishment on an innocent (banned topic).

They admit anything after Trump, beauty pageant girls, and his own daughter is a step up.

Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
The girl and the guy are Liberals. Irresponsible and stupid. Trump isn't the problem here.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
seems that VS is trying to troll.

worst troll ever.
Gee all this BS about a stares law? Direct your anger towards the root ( no pun intended) cause of the problem , the illegal alien! He will get his in the end at the big house. Pun intended
States laws for the spell checkers