Guns at the Border

This cautionary tale might be relevant for gun-owners hobbying in Canada:
Easy to see how this can happen. When you are used to carrying, you don't always think about it being taboo in some places. Throw into that that sometimes when making a trip like that, the GPS sends you into Canada when you weren't thinking you were leaving the country. One thing leads to another and oops! Major hassle.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Definitely a cautionary tale for idiots that can't read maps.

I feel anyone who uses a GPS without looking at a map and making an effort to know where they're going deserves whatever negative consequences they get. I can understand getting familiar with holding a piece but it is against the general guidelines of gun safety. He remembered not to bring it to the dentist.
i live in central NY, have no need to go to Canada, but damn this is kind of harsh, esp for a vet, not saying Canada supports vets like we do, but damn man, hope he walks with nothing on his record
JohnnyCap's Avatar
The standard of gun awareness should be higher for a vet, as well as respect for international borders and the ability to navigate. He's retired at 46 and can pay his fines with the tax dollars he calls a pension I speculate.
Pretty harsh JC. The standard of awareness for someone with a driver's license should be high enough that they don't drink significant amounts of alcohol and drive too, but sometimes people fuck up. Let's not tattoo them forever for that mental lapse.
gaijin1969's Avatar
Many of the Canadian borders I've crossed have a turn around spot just prior to customs.... that was the point in the article that bugged me. Why mention he tried to turn around? What? After they found the gun? If lost dueto GPS failure, why wasn't that the first thing he said at the border? If a "blind" entry point, surely they've had people approach it in the past totally lost and apologetic. I'm sorry sir, I really don't want to cross into Canada - could you assist me in getting my ass pointedin the right ddirection? (My phone "keyboard" is screwing up spacing and double letters folks sorry too hard to fix must need a reboot)

For a retired Sergeant Major or Master Sergeant (forgot exact rank) its odd behavior. Oh, but he was a legal expert or something (JAG?) and since retirement works as a law advisory or something? Curious..... works in KY but vacations in Vermont. Something just off.....

However that said, seems some people don't like the fact you can honorably serve our country and "retire". Not comfortably tho.... if able, ya gotta get a job to supplement your "retirement". Considering the amount of $ this country wastes, I think military benefits to be a minuscule fraction of it considering what we ask our service members to do to earn it. Why is it that's its quicker to game the system and get food stamps and welfare than it is for a disabled vet to get disability benefits?

But I digress.... this particular retired Sgt sounds like a tool lol
gaijin1969's Avatar
This cautionary tale might be relevant for gun-owners hobbying in Canada: Originally Posted by jackfengshui
A good reminder Jack... thanks. It may save someone some grief.
Capt. Hooker's Avatar
I have a pistol permit..........I know were the handgun is at all times......crossing the border once in awhile with a couple friends to visit strip clubs........I always ask passengers in my vehicle ...."you don't have anything on you that will get us in trouble do you ? " he fucked up lying ...
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Pretty harsh JC. The standard of awareness for someone with a driver's license should be high enough that they don't drink significant amounts of alcohol and drive too, but sometimes people fuck up. Let's not tattoo them forever for that mental lapse. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
I can picture an arrogant fuck who doesn't think the rules apply to him because of his 'service'. "No, no, no, I don't have a gun, I'm a vet, man, cut me some slack, these rules aren't for me." Not harsh enough.

How proud are we that our military can't figure out a map? The GPS line is bullshit too; even if you're going to northern Vermont a GPS isn't going to take you to the Thousand Islands. At best they were Sunday driving and they decided to go to Canada, but for whatever reason they thought they were God's people, exempt from rules. He lied about the GPS, he lied about the gun. That's smuggling, there doesn't have to be an end destination for the gun. This is not a stand up guy, tattoo him, maybe, but he certainly deserves a shitload of aggravation and fines.

I'm wonder if anything he did with our military was above-board and honest.
Crossing state lines with a firearm is already an offense, not to mention trying to get across to Canada. If your a gun owner you would know the laws pertaining to where your going to travel.
I can picture an arrogant fuck who doesn't think the rules apply to him because of his 'service'. "No, no, no, I don't have a gun, I'm a vet, man, cut me some slack, these rules aren't for me." Not harsh enough.

How proud are we that our military can't figure out a map? The GPS line is bullshit too; even if you're going to northern Vermont a GPS isn't going to take you to the Thousand Islands. At best they were Sunday driving and they decided to go to Canada, but for whatever reason they thought they were God's people, exempt from rules. He lied about the GPS, he lied about the gun. That's smuggling, there doesn't have to be an end destination for the gun. This is not a stand up guy, tattoo him, maybe, but he certainly deserves a shitload of aggravation and fines.

I'm wonder if anything he did with our military was above-board and honest. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Perhaps all that is true and perhaps it is not. I can picture a scenario where the guy is telling the truth and the only really dopey thing he did is forget that he left his handgun in the car console a couple days earlier. After all, he isn't lying if he actually did forget it was there. That seem reasonable as he didn't lie to the border patrol about having guns and carrying a gun earlier in the week. As for the GPS, he isn't necessarily lying about that either It depends where he had programmed it from. Obviously if he was coming from NYC, the GPS would not have taken him to Canada, but I have made the drive from Syracuse to St. Johnsbury Vermont and the GPS gave as the fastest route -- 81N to Canada and take the 401 East and then down into Vermont. The option , which I chose, to take the southern route around Lake Champlain was not the fastest option.

Sometimes one small error sets off a cascade of events that can look stupid when analyzed after the fact, but it is really just a butterfly effect of the first mistake. I don't see what nefarious plan he was up to that is worthy of the grief.
Zippie's Avatar
NY state wouldn't treat him any better if he got caught here either.
Plastic Man's Avatar
The standard of gun awareness should be higher for a vet, as well as respect for international borders and the ability to navigate. He's retired at 46 and can pay his fines with the tax dollars he calls a pension I speculate. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
true post. at least one person can see through all the hero bs been rammed down throats since 911. never criticize anything these guys do cause they all be heroes and deserve more $$$. just they be too simple to realize they keep getting more $$$ cause the gub wants them on the dole so they obey master like a good dog
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Task, no point in beating a dead horse, to put the other issues aside:

I searched directions for Syracuse to St. Johnsbury on my iPad and it sent me through Albany. Knowing the area, if I had time I'd prefer to go north of Albany, south of Lake Champlain. I realize GPS units can be different, but blindly following them is insanity. I don't use them while traveling, only to know the route beforehand; I look at a map and have some awareness. Using GPS is a sure way to never know where you are. Wouldn't a decent GPS give notice of an international border?

I have no sympathy for people who blindly follow GPS.