How long to wait past scheduled time

NerdLove's Avatar
Curious as to what you all think is a reasonable time to wait past a scheduled appointment time?

I probably waited way too long (40 minutes) past a date tonight (and I had confirmed earlier in the day). Was I unreasonable to leave after that long?
DocHolyday's Avatar
I give them 10 min. On the 11th min. I'm gone!! I don't go back. I don't make future appointments. I'm done and move on. My time is valuable.
TreeBark's Avatar
10 mins if no response once you let her know your there.
NerdLove's Avatar
I don't feel so bad bailing then. Just been a while and I wanted a good time tonight lol. Oh well.
Who was the chick
Sitting in a parking lot sucks and it is dangerous and disrespectful
DocHolyday's Avatar
Sitting in a parking lot sucks and it is dangerous and disrespectful Originally Posted by Mtnliving
You are absolutely right Bro. Sitting in a PL or on a street draws unwanted attention to yourself. Next thing ya know, you have LE or some rent-a-cop rolling up asking questions. I have had it happen therefore, the 10 min. rule.

The end result would not be good telling a LEO "Well officer Friendly, I'm just sitting here waiting on this hooker, who is running late in spite of knowing three hours ago, I would be here now."
10-15 minutes is long enough to wait. Most times if they’re making you wait it’s never going to work out. Nothing worse that making you wait. I had an appointment w Keri last month and I texted her that I was there and heard nothing back. Waited 15 and was pulling out when she texted me saying she was available. Against my better judgment I decided to keep appointment. I parked and met her at side door. Again she made me wait 5 more minutes. Was about to bail and she finally came to door. She then told me the reason she was late was because she double booked the time because she thought I wasn’t going to show. Wtf! So while I was waiting she was servicing another monger. And there was no shower taken in between. Then I noticed that she had a cold sore on her lip. That was enough for me. When I got to her room I said that I left something in the car and I bailed. I texted her from the car and said I got cold feet. I know there are always other mongers that were there before me but this was just too blatant. So give them 10 minutes and don’t be afraid to move on.
I had one provider I confirmed twice, day of and morning before, bail when I didn't return third text fast enough. She texted 1 hr out but I was working and didn't get to text for 20 minutes. I texted back and she cancelled saying I should have texted back faster. So waiting 10 is probably the most I will wait after. Sucks to be hailing ass getting everything done so I could be at providers location in same town early only to get cancelled 40 minutes prior to agreed time. Then told booked until midnight ps it was 7pm. So never got to see a certain Swedish blonde Greek speaking provider went with someone else that was more then willing to take my $$
NerdLove's Avatar
Seems the general consensus is 10 minutes.

I am curious to know what the providers think.
August Black's Avatar
Seems the general consensus is 10 minutes.

I am curious to know what the providers think. Originally Posted by NerdLove
Hopefully I don't come off as a dick but if the consensus from the males is 10 minutes then from the providers perspective it should be between 5-7 minutes. In an ideal world there's no waiting time, but unfortunately that's not how things are. This however isn't the doctors office where you show up by the scheduled time and the doctor sees you when they essentially get around to you.

Majority of setting up these sessions happen via text message or phone call. And even for the chicks that want you to fill out screening forms, they check that on the phone as well. More internet activity occurs over the phone than on desktops and every phone comes with a calendar and alarm. Yes real world things do pop up and for that I'll make exceptions but with an alarm clock and calendar literally at ones fingertips I personally can't see why a provider would have a guy waiting. Just my two cents of course.
I dont ever let anyone wait !!! Its rude and bad service !! If you can be on time for an appointment ,so can I !!
Provider should not be booking back-to-back appointments it's disgusting. I only see an average of 3 people in one day. That is my top number ,And I take off two days a week. Sometimes I see less than three people in a day if I have other things to do. I like to set my appointments hours apart, so I can shower clean the room , reset up towels, sit back and relax for a little while ,drink some coffee watch a show, do some laundry Etc..

There was a provider in this area that retired a few years ago, she would see appointments 15 to 30 minutes between each other. This was so she has time to shower and straighten up before the next session came into the hotel room. I think you need a minimum of 30 minutes to an hour in between sessions. Showering, Re-doing hair,make-up and dressing up takes time ,let alone changing sheets , setting up hot fresh towels (if you do that) all takes min30 - 60 mins ( depending how fast you are, and how organized you have your house/hotel)

With a well known & well reviewed provider

If I was a guy, and I was waiting for a provider it certainly wouldn't be more than 20 minutes. And I wouldn't be sitting in a parking lot of a hotel waiting.. if I was on the street I'd probably wait 30 minutes because I can act like I'm taking a call and doing other things, which is why I "pulled over"... Deff not more then that...

Now if I was taking one for the team on a new provider that has not been reviewed, is not known.

I don't think I would wait at all. She knows when you're supposed to be there. She knows if you have a 2 p.m. appointment you're going to be there at 10 minutes to 2 p.m.
Justin Herpantz's Avatar
But but Kira.... when I showed up for an appointment with you a while back (I was a totally different monger at that time), I waited at least 10 minutes...

But I was so horny to see ya, I had shown up at least 20 minutes early...
Guest072118's Avatar
10-15 minutes then move on. I call it at 15 minutes and its a no show or if its my confirmation text, its 15 minutes and I'll book another or go on with my day and you can piss off if later than that. LOL (unless you communicate you are running late)
I don't like waiting.....there is a certain provider here over by the a certain college....that keep me waiting outside for a good 10 minutes.....felt like ever set of eyes on the entire street where on me......but I had just pulled a triple shift....yes 24 hrs....and needed some relief more then my a days, I give them 10 minutes max and then put it in drive and away I go