bambino's hero Lin Wood trying to steal Rittenhouse's money

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  • WTF
  • 11-21-2021, 05:07 AM
This is what they do after they finish with you. Much like Trump.
bambino's Avatar
I responded to Jason Lemon of Newsweak with TRUTH.

I would be shocked to find that Kyle Rittenhouse Attorney Mark Richards made any disparaging comments about #FightBack or me. Tax attorney and #FightBack board member Lawson Pedigo was the only person at #FightBack who had any discussions with Kyle’s attorneys after John Pierce told #FightBack to cease its efforts to help Kyle and that the family wanted to replace me with John on future defamation matters. These demands were made by John Pierce right after #FightBack posted the $2M cash bail for Kyle’s release.

Of course, it is always possible that Mark Richard is being misinformed or misled by third parties or persons who have an agenda to falsely attack and smear #FightBack and/or me.

How do you spell FRAUD?
Two suggested spellings: J-O-H-N and D-A-V-I-D.

Time will tell ALL. Every lie will be revealed.

My response to Newsweak is below.
bambino's Avatar
Could my day be crazier???

I just learned that John Pierce filed an interpleader action in Texas against #FightBack and a entity known as Milo Fund, LLC d/b/a FreeKyleUSA.

The good news is that Pierce admits the TRUTH in his complaint that he has NO claim to the bail monies posted by #FightBack in the Kyle Rittenhouse matter.

The bad news (bad for others, not #FightBack) is that the Milo Fund may be trying to make a claim to a portion of the bail funds paid by #FightBack.

What??? Are you kidding me???

#FightBack posted the bail for Kyle at the end of November 2020.

Milo Fund, LLC was created by incorporation in Nevada in January of 2021.

I smell a rat or two. Do you?

How do you spell RAT?

Two suggested spellings are J-O-H-N and D-A-V-I-D.

A third spelling option is C-I-A.

When you have time, check out the Pierce case filed in Texas. Also, do a deep dive on Milo Fund, LLC and FreeKyleUSA.

Just sayin.’
bambino's Avatar
Mike Lindell donated $50,000 to #FightBack Foundation which #FightBack used in part to fund the $2M cash bail for Kyle Rittenhouse to be free to go home with his mother in late November of 2020.

I love Mike Lindell. Mike and I love Jesus. He did help Kyle and so did I and #FightBack. Thank you, Mike Lindell!!!

I thought General Flynn knew about #FightBack’s efforts for Kyle since he was a guest at my South Carolina property in November of 2020 while he was working on some election stuff with Doug Logan, Jim Penrose, and Seth Keshel.

I extend grace to my friend,,General Flynn. Maybe he just forgot about the efforts of #FightBack to help Kyle Rittenhouse.
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Since people’s memories fade (sometimes quickly, sometimes conveniently), below is the itemized list of monies raised by #FightBack for Kyle Rittenhouse and monies expended by #FightBack for Kyle. I posted this itemization a couple of months ago in case anyone forgot about it.

Do the math. Do the research. Connect the dots. Draw your own conclusions.

Lin ��❤️����
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In addition to the above expenditures for Kyle, #FightBack has to pay back a $150,000 promissory note to actor Rick Schroder who loaned #FightBack that amount of money to meet the final $150K needed to reach the $2M cash bail required to free Kyle at the end of November 2020. Rick did not donate the money to #FightBack for Kyle. It was a loan. #FightBack had to sign a written promissory note and Rick made me personally guarantee the #FightBack note. I did so to help Kyle and #FightBack.

#FightBack and I did what we had to do to get Kyle out of jail in Kenosha as quickly as possible due to public death threats being made against him to kill him while he was in jail.

What was I saying earlier about no good deed . . . ?

Lin ��❤️����
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I have had a BUSY day shining light on darkness and speaking TRUTH to refute lies and Deep State propaganda attacks.

But I did take the time to send an email to Mark Richards. See the email below.

I pray for Mark and ALL of my enemies.

Lin ��❤️����
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-21-2021, 06:18 AM

Pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood, who previously served on Kyle Rittenhouse’s defense team, is requesting that a foundation get back the $2 million it raised to post bail for the 18-year-old charged with fatally shooting two Wisconsin protesters last year.
bambino's Avatar
The Deep State Swamp is very, very, very deep. So deep, you will not want to hear and face the TRUTH about it. The TRUTH will be painful and difficult to accept.

But we must face the whole truth - the good, the bad, and the UGLY.

We must face it, embrace it and live it. As individuals and as a nation.

If We The People face the TRUTH, we can with God’s guidance, restore the soul of our nation.

Rest well. I pray for fewer false attacks tomorrow if I am blessed with another day.

Keep Fighting. I will never quit. You better not quit either!!!

I am counting on We The People.

Good night.

Lin ��❤️����
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  • WTF
  • 11-21-2021, 06:22 AM

Wood, an attorney for Republican former President Donald Trump, has threatened to sue Kyle Rittenhouse's attorney, Mark Richards, for calling him an "idiot."

"You know, Lin Wood and I went head-to-head and, you know, he'll probably sue me for it, but he's an idiot who let (Rittenhouse) talk to The Washington Post while he was under charges for murder. I mean, come on," Richards said in a Friday CNN interview.

In the interview, Richards also accused Wood and fellow attorney John Pierce of "trying to whore this kid out for money, for their own causes," adding that the attorneys were "raising tons of money on him
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  • WTF
  • 11-21-2021, 06:28 AM
What fool can not see that Lin Wood is a sleazy fuc who has used the 2020 election results and now Rittenhouse to raise money from DJT's shepple.

He is the Michael Avanettie of the right in regards to sleaze bag lawyers.

Of course, he is bambino's hero...maybe Salty's hero too.
  • Tiny
  • 11-21-2021, 06:40 AM
Lin Wood sure pulled the wool over Bambino’s eyes. Arguably if the nut case lawyer hadn’t been telling people not to vote in the Georgia runoffs, Democrats wouldn’t control the Senate. The Democrats couldn’t pass whatever legislation they want.

The Democrats have Stacey Abrams. We have Lin Wood. Shit.
bambino's Avatar
Record turnout in senate runoff

But it is Tiny that has been duped. It didn’t matter what the turnout was, the Dems cheated. All lies will be revealed.
  • Tiny
  • 11-21-2021, 06:47 AM

Wood, an attorney for Republican former President Donald Trump, has threatened to sue Kyle Rittenhouse's attorney, Mark Richards, for calling him an "idiot."

"You know, Lin Wood and I went head-to-head and, you know, he'll probably sue me for it, but he's an idiot who let (Rittenhouse) talk to The Washington Post while he was under charges for murder. I mean, come on," Richards said in a Friday CNN interview.

In the interview, Richards also accused Wood and fellow attorney John Pierce of "trying to whore this kid out for money, for their own causes," adding that the attorneys were "raising tons of money on him Originally Posted by WTF
Sleazy piece of shit
  • Tiny
  • 11-21-2021, 06:49 AM
Record turnout in senate runoff

But it is Tiny that has been duped. It didn’t matter what the turnout was, the Dems cheated. All lies will be revealed. Originally Posted by bambino
Record turnout for Democrats