Operation Chimney Sweep

Don't get caught up in the sweep...
AMP Daddies... talking to you... They got the license plate numbers and Santa might show up to your house on Christmas morning...
The look on your face will be hilarious.

just thinking out loud. It would be funny. You did see the cameras, right?
you know when you walk in back and see mama san looking at all the video monitors...
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
Welcome back AP!
ntxguy's Avatar
Thanks for the heads up little buddy. Are you staying around until the ban hammer hits again or are you following through with your request to cancel this account?
I'm not a vice cop but I did a QV in a Holiday Inn Express last night so I can confirm this.
Welcome back AP! Originally Posted by Big b.o.b.1
Big Boob 1 you want some soap on a rope?
  • SubQ
  • 12-21-2022, 10:17 AM
Sooo, you're saying they're NOT sweeping the Chimney?
Banned already! Whodathunkit?
ntxguy's Avatar
Banned already! Whodathunkit? Originally Posted by Joebillybob
Well that handle is at least.