More Chances at Butt Love?

Is it my imagination or are more ladies placing this on the menu? Extra charge or not there seem to be many more opportunities to enjoy the inside of a woman's butt than before.

Also, when I do a search I seem to be directed to an older group of ladies. Are young(er) Providers not that interested in this? I'd think their bodies would have greater elacticity when it came to this but... again... maybe it's just me.
Oh hell, I thought is was all the young ones that were starting this new "trend"...Dammit I must be out of the butt love "loop".

I'll GIVE YOU some butt love!!
BUTT if you want some of mine, you've gotta take me to vegas the week BEFORE Aunt Flo comes to visit, feed me a bottle AND A HALF of champagne, (possibly slip me a roofie), yank my hair and tell me to call you daddy!

...OK well, maybe not vegas...