I was just discussing this with a gentleman about why my number is restricted when I call clients back.
Some time ago, apparently a man's wife found my number on his cell ( and another girl's number) and started calling and calling and calling. I mean at least 40 times. I answered the phone and tried to be polite about it, but she called me all the foulest names in the book and it was like, lady, why don't you go yell at your husband?!
She would not stop bothering me and finally I said, " You know, I can see why your husband wanted to see escorts. If you would just shut up and suck his dick more often, that might be the solution to his infidelity. "
She stopped calling.
Originally Posted by alluringava
I think your response was in no way more mature than the wife`s reaction. Can you imagine the pain women feel (and I assume you must be able to, because I am sure you are monogamous) when they discover that their husband has cheated on them? Most often it does not matter that you are a paid provider, instead of just another type of woman.
So given the fact that this woman shouted at you out of pain and anger of getting to acknowledge some facts here, and of course - she let her anger out on you, the most impersonal link to her husbands cheatery.
All monogamous people do that. When someone cheats or mono-couples experience infidelity, all of them are angry at the "third" wheel.
Why is that? It is very simple psychological explanation: Because it is easier and less painful to believe that the person you trusted is evil and deserves to be yelled at.
To yell at her husband means that she also hurts herself even more.
And I am sure she yelled plenty at her husband.
What you did was cruel and immature, sorry to say. You are a professional provider you have to learn how to deal with these things. They come with the choice to be an entertainer. Because you are "aware" what territory you operate in, the wife of a cheating husband most often isn`t. Maybe she did not even know you are a provider? Maybe she thought you are having an affair with her husband.
I have monogamous friends who actually used to break up with their partners over them seing escorts. For "ordinary" women it does not matter where the husband dumps the dick into, it matters THAT he dumps the dick. So, the first reaction will always be outrage and lashing out at others.
She was, I am pretty sure, in a state of shock and very very helpless!!
I think a better response would have been trying to get her to react normally and ask if she wants to have a civilised discussion about that you are happy to provide answers and calm her down.
What you did was cruel and very very coldhearted. Sorry to say.
I am sure a marriage deserves more respect than to tell a wife to suck cock and stop shouting. There is much more to it. And we - the professionals - need to be more sympathetic to ourselves, the sociological function our profession has (which is to support marriages ) and the needs we entertain.
Granted, if your clients were not married no one of us would make a lot of money. So - this fact alone should make us a little more respectful or wise in how to treat such agendas.
Just saying.
Nina Sastri