A little covered story. Bolton thinks it was the Obama State Department.........
joe bloe's Avatar
Obama is no friend of Israel. It sure looks like he's destroyed an oportunity for Israel to effectively deal with the Iranian nuclear threat. If Iran gets the bomb it will probably use it on Israel and Israel will definitely respond with nukes. The whole thing could easily spiral out of control with Chinese and Russian involvement. We may be several months away from something unthinkable.
Obamas Russian comment the other day say's it all. We need George Washington come back and WHIP some Dumbass.
that leaked that intel. From dissing Netanyahu, negotiating with Hezbollah, to asking for Israel to accept the 1948 borders as a compromise, O'Blunder has ruined our relationship with the only sane regime in the Middle East, thus virtually assuring a nuclear showdown. He's gotta go in November before it's too late.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Remember the outrage over Valeria Plame? We need a special prosecutor at least and someone needs to go to prison. Libs have to support after their caterwauling over Plame.
waverunner234's Avatar
If Iran gets the bomb it will probably use it on Israel and Israel will definitely respond with nukes. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Really, how terribly stupid are you? Do you know how big Israel is? Or how small?
How can Iran use nukes on Israel without destroying Arab cities and people as well? And of course the Arab world loves it when Iran destroys their people?

But maybe I shouldn't blame you for this stupidity, because it's not your fault, it's those idiots from the party you vote for, it's their fault.
They didn't tell you that Israel is only 8,000 square miles. (About 13 times the size of Houston)
Because they don't want you to know it, they don't want you to know that they are also idiots if they say that Iran will nuke Israel.
They are trying to scare you and every other American who is stupid enough to believe them.

For gods sake use your brains just for 1 time. I know it's hard when you're not used to it, but at least try.
Are you the prototype of Republican stupidity?
joe bloe's Avatar
Remember the outrage over Valeria Plame? We need a special prosecutor at least and someone needs to go to prison. Libs have to support after their caterwauling over Plame. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
We can't get a special prosecutor unless Eric Holder names one. There's no way that's going to happen. Obama and his minions are protected. They're effectively above the law.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Do you understand that not all nuclear bombs are a BFD? There are tactical nukes that hollow out the core of a city. Israel only has a few city centers to destroy and an unknown number of military targets.

Also when have the lives of Arabs concerned Iran (who are Persians). Think of the millions killed in the war with Iraq, the thousands dead in Lebanon, the slaughter of the Palenstinians in the 1970s in Jordan. If they could destroy Israel at the cost of a few million Arabs, Lebanese, Jordanians, Egyptians, Palestians, or Syrians they would be very happy.
pyramider's Avatar
Would those sacrificed be eligible for 70 something virgins?
Iaintliein's Avatar
Remember the outrage over Valeria Plame? We need a special prosecutor at least and someone needs to go to prison. Libs have to support after their caterwauling over Plame. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I disagree, I think Mossad should sort out the leaker.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 04-01-2012, 08:01 AM
I got news for ya, nothing will happen as long as Holder is still there, and he is not leaving till November, with the rest of the marxists. This is TREASON, of the highest order, on par with the Rosenburgs, of the 50's. It would not surprise me if it came from the White House itself. But the gutless republican rhinos won't do anything about it either.
joe bloe's Avatar
Really, how terribly stupid are you? Do you know how big Israel is? Or how small?
How can Iran use nukes on Israel without destroying Arab cities and people as well? And of course the Arab world loves it when Iran destroys their people?

But maybe I shouldn't blame you for this stupidity, because it's not your fault, it's those idiots from the party you vote for, it's their fault.
They didn't tell you that Israel is only 8,000 square miles. (About 13 times the size of Houston)
Because they don't want you to know it, they don't want you to know that they are also idiots if they say that Iran will nuke Israel.
They are trying to scare you and every other American who is stupid enough to believe them.

For gods sake use your brains just for 1 time. I know it's hard when you're not used to it, but at least try.
Are you the prototype of Republican stupidity? Originally Posted by waverunner234
Of course it would be madness for Iran to bomb Israel. That's the whole point. The leadership in Iran are religious zealots. Mutually assured destruction will not work when one party isn't rational.

The world has never had to deal with a nuclear power that is governed by people that have no regard for life, even their own. Bin Laden said that his cause would ultimately be victorious because they loved death more than the west loved life. Although Bin Laden wasn't Iranian, his comment defines the attitude of the Iranian leadership.

The particular version of Shia Islam that is practiced by president Ahmadinejad and the Supreme Ayatollah Khamenei is the cult of the Twelfth Imam (Mahdi). The Twelfth Imam is sort of their version of a messiah. They believe that his return will be triggered by complete chaos, and that after his return, Sharia law will be implemented all over the world and the Caliphate will be restored. It is this particular religious belief that makes an irrational action (bombing Israel) likely.

This video link will give you some idea of the level of madness were dealing with.
joe bloe's Avatar
I got news for ya, nothing will happen as long as Holder is still there, and he is not leaving till November, with the rest of the marxists. This is TREASON, of the highest order, on par with the Rosenburgs, of the 50's. It would not surprise me if it came from the White House itself. But the gutless republican rhinos won't do anything about it either. Originally Posted by seedman55
The Rosenbergs were actually executed for conspiracy to commit espionage. My guess is that this probably came from Obama. I believe he's an anti semite. Jeremiah Wright is a big time Jew hater. He was once in the Nation of Islam which is clearly anti semitic. Obama went to Wright's horrible racist hate cult "church" for twenty years.
waverunner234's Avatar
Of course it would be madness for Iran to bomb Israel. Then why did you say it?
The world has never had to deal with a nuclear power that is governed by people that have no regard for life Originally Posted by joe bloe
Do some reading about Pakistan before you say more stupid things.
joe bloe's Avatar
Do some reading about Pakistan before you say more stupid things. Originally Posted by waverunner234
I'll try once more to explain a very simple concept. Yes, it would be crazy for Iran to bomb Israel. The fact that it's crazy will not stop them from doing it because THEY ARE CRAZY! I'm guessing you didn't watch the video link I attached to the prior post. You really should watch it. Most Americans don't fully appreciate just how nuts Ahmadinejad is.

I understand that Pakistan has nuclear bombs and has had since 1998. The thing that makes them different from Iran is that the Islamist religious zealots are not completey in control in Pakistan. Pakistan has been governed by a military dictatorship (propped up by America) for most the fourteen years that they've had nuclear capacity. There is a real danger that the Taliban will take power in Pakistan. If that happens, you will have a "nuclear power that is governed by people that have no regard for life".

Even North Korea, which was governed by a madman for decades was not as dangerous as Iran. As crazy as Kim Jong-il was, I believe he still valued his own life, so the concept of mutually assured distruction still kept him from using his nukes.