
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Saw I had some spam and went to clean it out. Couldn't resist, because to me, everything has comedic potential and although I made someone laugh this morning, I'm always looking for a giggle. I appreciate the sincerity and the willingness to help us lost souls who can't find our way around the internet, and anyone who comes up with something new, even if it is also kinda....ummmm...not something tons of folks would go for or even understand. Kinda like the insincere sweetness of guys looking to play "Let's Make a Deal"...LOL E for effort kinda thing, I guess. Some will understand what I mean and some won't....try not to hate if ya haven't gotten any in the last couple days or something....Happy Sunday!

Dear MaxiMilyen,

In order to make money as an escort, you have to get clients. (dunno about you guys, but this was news to me...LOL Here's what I do, I open my front door, stick my hand out and money falls right outta the sky. Isn't this the case for everyone? Hmmm...suspicous already. LOL)

The key to making more money is getting better clients. (No kidding? Is he serious? This is how it's done? This guy is greatness...I think I love him! LOL)

Most escorts use low rates and quick visits to getting more clients. (Say it ain't so....I would not believe a lady would stoop to this? He's joking right? LOL)

However, this approach leads to seeing lower class men. This approach also burns out most ladies. (What's he mean by that? I never met a lower class man and every lady in this biz is friendly and we all got each other's backs. RIght?!?)

So they key to getting better clients is to find the best places to advertise. (Hmmm....now it's getting suspicious. I dunno...but he might be on to something, so let's continue)

Here’s the deal, over the past ? years, I’ve coached and consulted over ?? escorts to help them get their businesses to the mid ? to ? figure marks. And although each have their own unique ways to market their business, I surveyed them and found the ? most commonly used media sources where they advertise and get new clients. (He's got the deal and he's gonna share it with me? Woot! He did this for lots of women, so eff it, I'm hooked, cause men would know more than any woman would. We can't find our way around...this guy is effing awesome!! )

Is this something you’d like to see. (Show me more, Big Daddy!)

The normal price of this exclusive report is $47. But for the next few days, I’m going to give you a copy on me. (A FREE Copy? OMG!!!! This must be my lucky day! Woot! Generous, ain't he? I love generous men!)

If this is something you’d like get, go here. (I ain't sharing this link...if the other ladies didn't get this invite....hate it for 'em. This is an exclusive offer just for little ole me!)

See you in this exclusive report! (Ummm.....I'm in the report? Not sure what he means by that and not sure I wanna find out. Yikes! LOL)

Your friend,

(Insert a guy's name here)

Disclaimer: This is not a private email, it's marketing. I took out a couple of things so it wouldn't be verbatim (see the ?), but basically you will get the gist. (Don't get butt hurt if this guy said some things you identify with, the words are NOT mine, but the goofy commentary in parentheses is. Yes, it's meant as goofy and maybe a tad sarcastic funny, so read it in that tone, please. I am not hating...just got a giggle and sharing. Hate I even gotta write a disclaimer, but maybe some folks ain't had their coffee yet or sumthing....LOL)
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Originally Posted by DarkeyKong

Right!?! Too Funny!
And wow. Is he also a prince in africa
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
And wow. Is he also a prince in africa Originally Posted by deuceswilld83
No way! It couldn't be that guy, could it? He wouldn't try to fool me like that, would he? I mean, him being a higher class and helpful guy and all. I'm so confused now. Don't make me think, cause ya'll know it hurts my pretty little head. (private, or not so private joke) LOL
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-22-2015, 05:06 PM
Sounds like a GILF seeker to me lol
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Sounds like a GILF seeker to me lol Originally Posted by biglatinmale
Gee Teddy Bear....

I thought the spam mail was funny...it wasn't directed at you or a call for you to come outta the dark. It was meant as a fun playful kinda thing. If you are not in the mood and don't get it, take this as an opportunity to beat some lady down on her rate. No need to stalk me and take my funny from me. I ain't gonna let ya have it. K? Hey...Were you an old lady purse snatcher in a previous life?

Take a look at my avatar, and if your granny or even your Mom, has a body like mine....I'll let ya get away with this crud...k?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-22-2015, 07:47 PM
Gee Teddy Bear....

I thought the spam mail was funny...it wasn't directed at you or a call for you to come outta the dark. It was meant as a fun playful kinda thing. If you are not in the mood and don't get it, take this as an opportunity to beat some lady down on her rate. No need to stalk me and take my funny from me. I ain't gonna let ya have it. K? Hey...Were you an old lady purse snatcher in a previous life?

Take a look at my avatar, and if your granny or even your Mom, has a body like mine....I'll let ya get away with this crud...k? Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
nothing wrong with a GILF MM, some men are into them great story btw
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
nothing wrong with a GILF MM, some men are into them great story btw Originally Posted by biglatinmale
Ya wouldn't believe me if I told ya, but the young men really like mature women too. Think there was a movie...kinda opened the door...and now there's some kinda series I think, about Cougars. I, and my son, both were weirded out when his friends teased him and got a little inappropriate about his Mom. I had no idea what was going on, because I had never seen the American Pie movie. He had to tell me what it was, and I was kinda embarrassed and understood why he got upset with his buddies. He sees me as Mom and the other young fellas began to see me as, well....something other than just a Mom. Son's don't like to be told Mom is hot and Moms don't want their sons to see it in them through the eyes of another, but boys get a little goofy and are kinda insensitive until it's their Mom...ijs. It sure wasn't a great realization for either of us....me knowing he is grown enough to be hanging with young men thinking of sex stuff and him understanding Moms are sometimes more than just that. This realization changed our relationship and it was hurtful and just weird for both of us.

Anyway, if you have yet to learn the difference between cheap wine and and a fine wine, it just shows. Maybe you'll get there, and maybe ya won't. Some just do without even test tasting. You got time, so it's all good.

Story? A marketing email is not a story, but it did have comedic value to me. Who doesn't appreciate that?

And since ya didn't challenge, I guess your Mom, or even granny....just ain't hot. Be grateful. It ain't a fault not to be hot, but it isn't a fault to be hot either. Just know, your friends woulda told ya if either of them were. Aren't friends great?
Boltfan's Avatar
You are NOT a cougar, but keep on believin...
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  • BLM69
  • 11-23-2015, 12:08 PM
You are NOT a cougar, but keep on believin... Originally Posted by Boltfan
Bingo! I should label myself a caliente spicy Latin lover because I said so! I rather not fool myself lol

About the fine wine, I don't drink cheap or expensive wine but do know what a hot woman looks like when I see one. ill leave it at that

Get back to your fantasy thread, I'm trying to be nice but you make it hard.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
You are NOT a cougar, but keep on believin... Originally Posted by Boltfan
Silly fella...did you think I believe I am a cougar? Don't Cougars go after younger men? You are right...I am not that at all. I am not claiming to be one, hon. I may have before and I did have a much younger man in my life, but still within certain bounds. Keep in mind, I am also not someone like you. That kinda shame I couldn't carry. I am just a woman who lotsa men wanna chase around whether in this world or even what is my "real life". I ain't even gotta try real hard, if at all. I could step out the door now and within minutes I could be boinking some grateful fella. This is not a delusion in the least. Some folks figure stuff out and some don't. There are men with this gift and there are women with this gift. It is what it is.

You seriously do not know me, and I have no idea why me telling you what you do is not right, makes you wanna chase me around like this insulting me. I am not the one who acts like what I am doing is something other than what it is, in order to justify it, just so I can do something I know is not right. What I do, is not bad for anyone. I am not responsible for the decisions grown men make, just mine. So, if you have nothing to add to the gist of this thread, please try to refrain from taking the opportunity to insult me, because I feel strongly about what I feel strong about. I'm trying really hard with you and I have tons of patience, but for what you do...I have zero tolerance. If that makes you feel bad about yourself, then figure out why that is. Randomly insulting me solves nothing, because I am always going to feel as I feel about people who do this. No apologies and I've told you why that is.

Stay on topic, please.... because some recently taught me to tattle tale. It's a new concept for me and I don't wanna, but I will. Playing with kids in a grownup world has rules and you aren't following them. Did ya think the email was kinda funny, were you insulted by the author, think it was an ingenious way to sell other sites, or were you upset by my comments, or you know.....what's the deal?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I'm trying to be nice but you make it hard. Originally Posted by biglatinmale
Boys and even men tell me I make it hard all the time....especially when I am nice. LOL

I'll ask ya nice, go away and hassle these women, who give ya the most personal thing you will ever encouter, to really cheapen themselves by lying with the likes of you. It's what ya do. Me, I like to laugh at silly things in this world. Kinda like the email where I know the gent didn't mean to be or sound silly, and it wasn't until I added some commentary that it was, at least to me and I know I mostly amuse just me. He was just probably getting paid per click on the link or something....idk?

So, if ya got nothing meaningful to add, take this time to do yo thang you lovable little Teddy Bear. Enjoy hugging your Mom real close, but I want you to know that some insensitive kids who I bear no ill will toward because they didn't understand what they did to me and my son that day. They don't know that what they said keeps me at a rather uncomfortable kinda thing that I can not call a hug anymore, from someone I love dearly and need a hug from and who needs a hug from me. He gets that too. I'm his Mom, and we got robbed by silly boys...blam...what we had was just gone in an instant. Until I am an old wrinkled up and an unattractive woman that no man wants, this is what we have. I accept that, because I have no choice. It was taken by someone just like you and Boltfan.

So just know, I have patience for silly boys like you. You don't have a clue what you are doing with your insensitve mouthy words that should mean nothing to me and these don't. You can't take what was most important to me away, cause those who came before you already did that. Some day you will say something insensitive and you may never know it, but you will in fact be responsible for hurting someone deeply and profoundly. They won't hold it against you either. But, you are No less responsible for what you say. Ya know?
