If you were me?...How will you reponse to Psycho man?

This man originally contacted me on Feb.. for the MMF session.

Feb 27th : We set up for the appointment and When I reconfirm with him about our session, He asked about rates??...(last minutes about to meet up and asked about those..)

I replied that "I am sorry , but no discussion about on text or pm.. about the tuition..lol"

He : Jesus
He : Never mind

I am like a WTH?? I don't have time for folks like no class or no respect for others.. so, I didn't replied any..

Jun 19th : When I wake up early that morning around 8am, this Psycho texted
"Please don't contact this number anymore my husband is married and
he is married and he's sleeping with a whore"
Delete the number and message and move on. End of story
Gosh Leilover, I would just ignore the text. I would bet it will just cease.
And I usually ignore the Psychos...but that morning when I wake up to get that ugly pm, my blood ran fast and I replied saying: "F yourself bitch! You are the one dirty whore!!" "How dare you?"

He : I am going to let everyone know you are a fucking worthless whore that sleeps with married men get a real job you slut if you text number again, I am going to call the police. ( Yeah Yeah!! try hard!! )

Me: Dummy Ass Husband!! haha ( it is him! not his wife )

He: I am calling my attorney right now you slant eyed whore he told me where you work ( I never met this man yet )

Back and force insult me for a while..

Me : Looser!! Successful man no act like this!! you know yourself!
Why don't you put your any power to be better person,
Instead of bothering some lil girl that you only can dream of?..haha

NO MORE response yet, but aren't you sometimes get this type of Psychos bother you?....or only me?
Oh I know that... I usually do ignore those type of men...but not that day!...kk
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Posting this on a open forum doesn't help either. Why pour gas on already burning fire?
bored@home's Avatar
He: I am calling my attorney right now you slant eyed whore he told me where you work ( I never met this man yet ) Originally Posted by leilover
Slant eyed...you think she/he has seen pics or lucky guess from the text accent?
pyramider's Avatar
Sometimes venting one's spleen is good.

Lei, you might have been dealing with his wife. She could have gotten hold of his phone and called every provider on it. Most wives just vent at the provider rather than the fucktard husband that was cheating. Usually its best to delete the messages and move on to the bathroom and take a dump.
Ask her if she wants to try something "new" . Or, don't reply. That's probably best.
Sometimes venting one's spleen is good.

Lei, you might have been dealing with his wife. She could have gotten hold of his phone and called every provider on it. Most wives just vent at the provider rather than the fucktard husband that was cheating. Usually its best to delete the messages and move on to the bathroom and take a dump. Originally Posted by pyramider
Pyramider, I didn't want to go on all details A to Z... so didn't mentioned about certain things..
BUT I know how he is and I KNOW FOR SURE it was HIM.
You are right! I will SHAKE IT OFF!
  • Lahk
  • 06-21-2013, 08:35 PM
I don't know you and never seen you, but I have to ask: what was the response you were hoping to get by making this conversation public? Best case scenario, what would have been the benefit?

From my perspective, you've made yourself look immature and unprofessional first by trading insults with whoever it was on the other end of that phone and then bringing it here to show us... This isn't an insult, just giving you some honest feedback as it relates to your business.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Text accent....lol
pyramider's Avatar
Be sure to keep the phone number in your DNS file/list. The fucktard will contact you again for an appointment. By keeping the number, you will not have to do much research to tell him to take a hike.
Dear, I replied to your first post thinking you actualy needed advice. And, I checked out your show case and thought I might need to check you out. But then you posted the rest of the story. Result? No thanks. No way I or many others I know will ever go near you.

You had no way of knowing when you received the text almost a month after the last one that it was not his wife. All you did was aggrevate the sistuation by responding. Why did you respond at all? Or at worst, reply back that you had no idea who this was and please do not contact you again. Instead you acted like someone who wanted to hurt the other person and you were very petty and childish. And then you bring it here? Why? Looking for vindication you did the right thing?

Your total lack of discresion and lack of professional behavior is enough to make sure guys with things to loose will think long and hard before seeing you.

Hopefully this is a lesson to other ladies about how to NOT handle an issue like this.
fletch's Avatar
lei..don't know you, but let me see if i understand. you had contact with this guy 4 months ago, you never saw him and now you receive a random, albeit rude, text from him/her and you respond?? why not just let it go and move on? sorry - if you have never even seen him/her it just doesn't make good sense to me to escalate this. my $.02