Anyone have an Oooops I got caught having sex, or got caught naked story?

Shortly after my divorce at 39 yrs old, I had the good fortune of fucking my ex wife's 25 yr old student teacher. It was flattering to fuck a younger gal, plus I couldn't help but feel a little satisfaction knowing she was my wife's student teacher. Of course, my wife didn't know, but it still felt great.
After a couple of months, I had my eye on a couple of gals that were closer to my age, and I started seeing the younger gal less often. Every now and then she would send me a hot e-mail, and I would end up hooking up with her. In addition to student teaching, she was also taking photography classes, and owning a small photography business on the side, she often sought my advice on things. One day she send me a hot e-mail saying that she wanted me to come over and we could both do some artistic black and white nudes. She actually still lived at home with her mother. Hell, her mother was only about 5 or 6 years older than me, and living in a small town, I knew her mother well. Her mother didn't know about the two of us.
On this particular evening, her mother (a widow) had just left to meet some of her friends to go out dancing. It was storming that night, but she said we safely had until at least 2 am to play. We go to what most people call a small mother-in-law house directly behind her home that she had converted to a studio. In no time at all, we were both naked. She had her camera set up on a tripod, and three studio lights set up. She knew I had an interest in BDSM, and while BDSM wasn't really her thing, she did want to take some BDSM style pictures. We both agreed, no face photos, so she tied me up, hands behind my back, with rope wrapping around my torso. Before she took the first photo, and once she had me tied up, she sucked my dick long enough to get me standing straight up, then took her position behind the camera.
Just as she was focusing in on things, in walks the Mom. Apparently the rain was so bad that the streets were flooding and they cancelled their plans. So here I am, butt naked, hard dick, sitting on an oak table all tied up, with her naked daughter standing behind a camera. Her Mother was so flustered when she walked in, she actually dropped her keys. On an amusing note, she stood there for maybe just a second or two while picking up her keys and said something to the effect of, "Oh I'm sorry, you two kids have fun," and she promptly left the room.
I'm sure some of you have better "Oooops moments, but I will never forget that one.
lol - awesome I thoroughly enjoyed your story.

I don't have one per se but I do have somewhat of a cock blocking story I can share. I could have been 7 or 8 (silly kid) and my older brother 15 was banging a chic in his room. I remember hearing her ohhh and ahhh and all the moaning. I kept pacing back and forward saying to myself man what the fuck is going on they're having fun. I'm going to tell mama and daddy he had a girl in the house. So in my devious excitement I bust into the room like Bruce Lee while my brother is on top of her and run and jump kick him in his back while he's stroking he tried to throw me and I somehow ended up on the bed laughing next to the girl. The girl was yelling and screaming like "what the fuck". Man trust me when I tell you my big bro must have kicked my ass something wicked that day.
For 2 months previous to the night I am going to describe, I was in at least 20 different hotels, and working some real unusual hours.

3 in the morning, I have to go take a leak, I usually sleep naked, but for some reason I left my tighty whities on... I stumble to the bathroom, open the door, only to realize I was standing in the hall of my latest hotel, and I hear click about the same time..
I am thinking fuck.... I make the walk to the front desk, 200 yards, pass by an elderly couple, make it to the front desk, there is a cute young lady there, gave me a new key ( like this shit happens all the time) made the 200 yard walk back to my room.
I used to travel a lot, I could totally see that happening!
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