Is this really Hooter?

TinMan's Avatar
I never met her, but always wanted to. Maybe I can finally get “hootered”.
FMaster's Avatar
No, Hooter had sky blue eyes, but similar facial features as this Shelly
Heather Hooter was MUCH prettier.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Nope. No such luck.
I think Hooter would be in her 50's now. Hooter, if you are reading this I would still bang you.
TinMan's Avatar
This lady says she is “50ish”, so that matches.

She also mentioned in her ad a location “back in the day” that sounded familiar to me, but after checking into it further it’s not the place I thought it was and not sure why I remember that name/location.

I just noticed that today the ad says she’s only available at midnight lol. That sounds like the most Hooter thing ever (based on her reputation) or a setup to harvest your organs.
Hooter... I remember not seeing her...
I remember having a conversation with hooter back in the day when I saw her and she actually told me that her ghosting people was her marketing scheme LOL