This is taken verbatim from another site I posted on:
And yes I was the escort :P.
Okay, so I entertained a client this early evening ( it has been SO cold here in Reno) and having lots of candles and a fireplace ( we were actually lying in front of the fireplace all bundled up...I just felt it was more romantic that way. We began with a nice massage and everything, and he was pretty nervous so he was having a hard time...well, you know, the hour was turning out to be a flop if you know what I mean.
I had several bottles of lotions and gels for our mutual massage and one of them happened to be a bottle of self-tanner, one of the ones for darker skin like mine. Since I started getting the Crystal fractional laser done to my face, I can no longer lie out in the sun or go to any tanning bed ( yeah I know, my bad, but I hate being pale) so I found this really cool Jergens Lotion self-tanner/lotion combo. Now this stuff is DARK since I'm already medium toned to begin with, so on a fair-skinned person you'd be the color of a walnut.
The client asked me to do a sexy dance and he wasn't really thinking about what he was using when he was um, beating off. I danced around in front of the fireplace like a sexy gypsy even with a jeweled scarf and everything. I had no idea at this time that he was using the self tanner. It was in a box of lotions and oils that I keep under my bathroom sink.
So he had his own happy ending and as most men do he washed his hands.
And then....and then....
Four hours later he called me in a horrible panic wanting to know why his dick turned a dark coppery orange. He thought I had given him a disease. I said " You never stuck it in and there was that condom. " And then it donned on me. I asked him what 'lotion' or 'lube' he was using to masturbate with and he said, " This big beige tube. It was too dark to see I figured it was just plain lotion."
Um, no, I said, ' that was extra dark self-tanning lotion."
He shrieked again and said, " Oh shit, oh shit, what am I going to tell my wife why my damn dick is now such a weird color?"
I said, tell her you went to a tanning salon ( because he does) and your dick fell out of your underwear and got burned."
After calming down, he thought about it. "Okay that makes sense." He stopped hyperventilating and got calmer, and then thanked me and hung up.
Sheesh. I swear I'll have so many stories to tell the old folks at the retirement home when I get old enough to get there. " I used to be a whore and...." and the stories will begin