TCB expectations too high?

txAustin202's Avatar
So I had an appointment on Thurs. at 1pm. On Wed. I text to see if appointment was still valid? She said that maybe not but she would know in the morning. Morning comes of course no text. I then text at around noon and she says that she just got in and it's been a long day. I know this to mean appointment is off.

Then we were supposed to meet on Sunday at 3pm. I text again to verify appointment. Of course it was a no go again but this time it was supposedly due to some personal reason that was preventing her from getting out of the house. Because of this personal reason, I went from being disappointed to trying to make sure that she was okay. Then as we keep on talking, I find out that she was actually out getting groceries. So I'm now WTF!!!

I had to move my schedule around to accommodate both times. She says we didn't have solid plans. When a provider says she's avail at this time and I respond with an OK, that to me is a solid plan. Do you ladies need more to consider it a set appointment? Is it too much to ask that a provider texts when she knows that she can't make it? Do you ladies think that us guys don't have a life so it's no big deal? Luckily I know by now that a NCNS is always possible which is why I'm anal about checking. I guess I'm really just venting here since I know that bad TCB is not uncommon.
You have a right to expect an appt. to take place at said time , if it is agreed upon ! I know a couple providers that are a MAYBE it will happen , and because of it , I usually look elsewhere . I know things come up , and sometimes you just don't feel like it , however when it comes time to make an appt. that goes into my consideration . It's an odds game , and I'm always going to go with the higher percentage of probability !
Cforemcc's Avatar
Too many ladies around here with great TCB to let it get you down too much. Your expectations are not too high. I get really really ticked with the " 5 more minutes.....10 more minutes.... Just another 5 minutes..." omg I hate that!
Sorry to hear that and wish you better luck in the future
So I had an appointment on Thurs. at 1pm. On Wed. I text to see if appointment was still valid? She said that maybe not but she would know in the morning. Morning comes of course no text. I then text at around noon and she says that she just got in and it's been a long day. I know this to mean appointment is off. Originally Posted by txAustin202
That alone in itself tells you that she takes neither you nor your business seriously. Why would you even want to rebook?

Then we were supposed to meet on Sunday at 3pm. I text again to verify appointment. Of course it was a no go again but this time it was supposedly due to some personal reason that was preventing her from getting out of the house. Because of this personal reason, I went from being disappointed to trying to make sure that she was okay. Then as we keep on talking, I find out that she was actually out getting groceries. So I'm now WTF!!! Originally Posted by txAustin202
Based upon you not knowing her and her total indifference towards you as an unknown client why would you even care about her personal home drama? Making sure she was OK? WTF?

I had to move my schedule around to accommodate both times. She says we didn't have solid plans. When a provider says she's avail at this time and I respond with an OK, that to me is a solid plan. Do you ladies need more to consider it a set appointment? Is it too much to ask that a provider texts when she knows that she can't make it? Do you ladies think that us guys don't have a life so it's no big deal? Luckily I know by now that a NCNS is always possible which is why I'm anal about checking. I guess I'm really just venting here since I know that bad TCB is not uncommon. Originally Posted by txAustin202
Your instincts were correct about following up on the initial SET appt. This tells me you already had an indication that she was unreliable. It's not that she doesn't think that you have a life.
She simply could not give a rat's ass as to whether or not you have a life. You are completely insignificant aside from your $$ and even that only has value when she has run out of it.

Clearly she didn't need your money because she preferred grocery shopping over keeping your business.
When she has NO money for groceries then I'm sure her TCB will temporarily improve.
Keep in mind that for many of these young chickadees this is not a "Business". Opening their legs now and then is just a way to refill the coffers when they run dry.

To them Mongers are less than nothing when it comes to what they personally value in their lives. You are nothing more than an ATM machine for quick withdrawal.

To be fair likewise most providers are nothing more than a machine for quick deposit to the average sensible monger. If you just so happened to get laid for free just before your set appt. would you still keep it? I doubt it.
I know I wouldn't. I would call to cancel of course but if I'm no longer horny I sure as hell won't be concerned about helping to cover the provider's bills.

This attitude doesn't apply to all providers of course but the young hotties? Can you really blame them when you think about it? Why would they take the hobby seriously when there is an endless supply of misguided, pathetically concerned and anxiously awaiting mongers? Especially when these girls only view the hobby as a temporary necessary evil anyway.
rrrabbit's Avatar
It's Sunday, and I took a late afternoon catnap. So I'm fresh, relaxed, and 'prolly going to be up all night. So why not...

After all, it is the CO-ED section, and the subject matter is VERY appropriate; however, I must make note that the CO part is very much missing from the ED.

Since it appears that we haven't had much drama around here lately, let's see if I can inspire ya'll into a dialogue that leads to one...

OP makes EXCELLENT points. And in turn, Cody makes some honest observations.

Or are they jaded observations?

Does it not depend entirely on one's vantage point, and frame of mind?

In the OP's instance, he's merely expressing a set of expectations (that he probably learned, though his professional experiences).

Since we are not baking cookies here, I think it is fair to say that what this board offers during BCD is a VERY personal. I don't think it's a stretch to presume that most of know and accept that. Yet, many of us (including myself) must be in denial if we allow ourselves to be upset when our expectations don't match up with what's on the reviews?

Understood, that we set up a prearranged business meeting. Understood that in the professional world, we EXPECT a cancellation heads up. But are we not in that world.

For example, I spent the afternoon with a dancer. We had INCREDIBLE chemistry together. However, I've been in the game long enough to KNOW that when she left, she left with a itch having been scratched. It was by no stretch of the imagination an emotional or an IOP one.

The last time I offered her compensation for an afternoon together, I'm pretty sure I pissed her off. So this time around, I just sent her on her way with a smile and a hug and I plan to slip her what I feel I owe her next time I see her when she's dancing.

Do I expect that she's going to call or text me tomorrow to say she enjoyed our time together? HELL NO. The moment she left, I was out of her mind. In fact, I expect that she'll expect me to kiss her ass next time I see her at the club because it help her self image and her business.

It is what it is. It's called pussy power.

You don't want to be an walking ATM? Go after a SB.

You want IOP? Stay away from revolving door providers.

You want professional courtesy? Stick with the professionals with proven track records.

One hour at a time is just that. It's NOT a license to chemistry, and it certainly ain't no guarantee to planting a flag somewhere sacred.

Now you have a rabbit
Piņata to swing at. Who wants first dibs?

OP makes EXCELLENT points. And in turn, Cody makes some honest observations.

Or are they jaded observations?

Originally Posted by rrrabbit
Jaded I suppose would apply if I had a negative view of the hobby or of providers which I don't. I have no bad reviews posted and for the most part my hobby experiences over many years have been great.
That being said I call things as I see them. It boils down to collecting $$ and getting rid of sperm build up in a world that young hotties participate in for one reason only.
It's that simple. Is that jaded or even negative? I think not but it does cut through the romantic bullshit with honest observation.

As far as professionalism goes? Like I said this is a source for quick cash when needed rather than a business for many young in-demand girls. They are likewise a source for quick pussy when needed rather than romance for most mongers.
rrrabbit the OP is upset that his business meeting did not occur as scheduled , no mention of IOP , clearly the meeting has to take place for that to happen . I don't believe the OP , myself , or most of the male members , have a problem accepting the fact that you're a walking ATM . However for money to come out of the ATM , the services have to be rendered as scheduled . It is a business , and should be handled with professionalism . If the ladies are verified providers and posting ads like a professional , then I think they should be handling their business as professionals ! Of course I know things happen and not every appointment is always going to be met , so I would reserve judgement on them , until a proven track record of unprofessionalism is established . Which is in no short supply ! If the position were reversed and services were rendered , and payment not made , or lets reschedule payment , more than just a cry of unprofessionalism would be heard . And I doubt we could expect providers to just accept it , because things happen !
rrrabbit's Avatar
Jaded I suppose would apply if I had a negative view of the hobby or of providers which I don't. I have no bad reviews posted and for the most part my hobby experiences over many years have been great.
That being said I call things as I see them. It boils down to collecting $$ and getting rid of sperm build up in a world that young hotties participate in for one main reason only.
It's that simple. Is that jaded or even negative? I think not but it does cut through the romantic bullshit with honest observation. Originally Posted by Codybeast

Not clear to me if you thought I was making an example out of you.

I was not.

I was trying to NOT write a book, but ended up half way there. Sorry!

What I was inferring is that it is my belief that as we hobby more, our expectations become more rigid. To me, that is the very definition of "jaded".

Hell... I'm going to be the 1st to jump up and down and admit that I'm jaded.

What I was inferring is that it is my belief that as we hobby more, our expectations become more rigid. To me, that is the very definition of "jaded".

Hell... I'm going to be the 1st to jump up and down and admit that I'm jaded.

Originally Posted by rrrabbit
By that definition then I would agree I am jaded as well.
Rabbit, I agree with pretty much everything you posted.

Cody, I agree with pretty much everything you posted.

DH- Nice sum up

Carry on
rrrabbit's Avatar
I don't believe the OP , myself , or most of the male members , have a problem accepting the fact that you're a walking ATM . Originally Posted by DIE HARD
DING! DING! DING ! DING! We have a winner !!!

I completely agree with you. I am a walking ATM. If any John on the board thinks otherwise, I'd like to start a separate "discussion" around that. LMAO.

It is a business , and should be handled with professionalism . If the ladies are verified providers and posting ads like a professional , then I think they should be handling their business as professionals ! Of course I know things happen and not every appointment is always going to be met , so I would reserve judgement on them , until a proven track record of unprofessionalism is established . Which is in no short supply ! If the position were reversed and services were rendered , and payment not made , or lets reschedule payment , more than just a cry of unprofessionalism would be heard . And I doubt we could expect providers to just accept it , because things happen ! Originally Posted by DIE HARD
I therefore must presumably conclude that you and I have differeing definitions of "professionalim". To me, a lady with one vouch, or even 10 reviews does not make a professional. Similarly, a John with 3 years of experience in a said field does not make a professional either.

But hey. I asked for a debate, and you offered one. So let the games begin.

It's no secret how fond I am of stripper girls. I've mentioned many times I bang at least 10 strippers for every 1 provider (if you ad up the 20 plus years it's actually about 30-1) but bad tcb is the one downfall I find with stripper girls. They love you when they're broke and they can't remember your name when they're flush. I've had some that I couldn't get with for a month burning up my phone a different month. Over the years I've learned how to manage it and make it work for me. My point is these same bad tcb providers are similar to the stripper girls. They don't consider this their full time job, they only take appointments when they need to pay rent, or buy groceries or pay a bill. The rest of the time they are unreliable and flakey. A professional provider is for the most part reliable most of the time ( I won't say all of the time because I have had even the top notch ladies be late, have those emergency's) why is it provider are always having to run to the hospital or always having grandma pass (how many f'ing grandma's do you all have?).

I'm not gonna get started on timeliness. I'm dying to meet the one provider who can actually use her clock and be on time. The key is to not patronize them, problem is their are too many pussy whipped hard legs who are just so damn happy that someone will touch them that they will put up with anything.

The way I've learned to handle my stripper relationships is if they expect me to be an atm when they need it, then they need to get into the rotation when I want it which isn't easy as I collect 5 #'s for every one lady I actually call the rest I just eventually delete.
The longer someone is in the hobby the MORE jaded you become. Having ZERO expectations is the only correct course. It's one grain of sand. It's a spin of the wheel. The object is to fuck them before they fuck you...just like in real life.
rrrabbit's Avatar
My sincere appologies ladies, and I mean that.

In retrospect, I recognize that I misappropriated a lack of gratitude towards the ladies on this board.

I appologize.

Please see self edit below, in RED.

It's Sunday, and I took a late afternoon catnap. So I'm fresh, relaxed, and I'm 'prolly going to be up all night. So why not...

After all, it is the CO-ED section, and the subject matter is VERY appropriate; however, I must make note that the CO part is very much missing from the ED.

Since it appears that we haven't had much drama around here lately, let's see if I can't inspire ya'll into a dialogue that leads to one...

OP makes EXCELLENT points. And in turn, Cody makes some honest observations.

Or are they jaded observations?

Does it not depend entirely on one's vantage point, and frame of mind?

In the OP's instance, he's merely expressing a set of expectations (that he probably learned, though his professional experiences).

Since we are not baking cookies here, I think it is fair to say that what this board offers during BCD is a VERY personal. I don't think it is a stretch to presume that most of know and accept that. Yet, many of us (including myself) must be in denial if we allow ourselves to be upset when our expectations don't match up with what has been published in reviews?

Understood, that we set up a prearranged business meeting.

Understood that in the professional world, we EXPECT a cancellation heads up.

Understood that are we not in that professional world, not it the traditional meaning?

For example, I spent the afternoon with a dancer. We had INCREDIBLE chemistry together. Shamefully, and self additmetly, I've been in the game long enough to KNOW that when she left, she left with an itch having been scratched; it was, by no stretch of the imagination, an emotional or an IOP itch.

The last time I offered her compensation for an afternoon together, I'm pretty sure I pissed her off. Therefore, this time around, I just sent her on her way with a smile and a hug, planning to slip her what I felt I owed her next time I ran into her dancing.

Do I expect that she's going to call or text me tomorrow to say she enjoyed our time together?


The moment she left, I was out of her mind.

In fact, I expect that she'd like for me to kiss her ass next time I see her at the club, because it helps her self image as well as her "business".

It is what it is. It is called pussy power.

You don't want to be an walking ATM? Go after a SB.

You want IOP? Stay away from revolving door providers.

You want professional courtesy? Stick with the professional providers with proven track records.

You want something strange? What are you waiting for? Choose your "strange" and roll on over to her.

One hour at a time is just that. It's NOT a license to chemistry, and it certainly ain't no invitation to plant a flag.

Now you have a rabbit Piņata to swing at. Who wants first dibs? Originally Posted by rrrabbit