Interesting Read this am.....

It's only a matter of time. If they can already pass a law forcing porns to use condoms then this isn't far behind.
Hmm, so I run a site in, say, Honduras, that only takes advertising for providers in the US. Let's go one step further, I incorporate in the Caymans, so nobody knows my name and I'm not violating any Cayman laws as long as they don't affect the Caymans.

Speaking of business plans.

But that's kind of scary, any time a law leaves a large area of indiscretion in its enforcement. "I don't know what it is, but I'll know it when I see it." Is oujgje a word? I don't know the definition, but I'll know it when I see it.

Anybody going to write a letter to the Slantsman and use your real name? Nor I.
endurance's Avatar
Sounds like another lawpportunity

Soon all laws will merge into felonies that will allow them to NDAA you off into the night.

Total discretion, no messy due process.
Thanks for the post! Interesting.

Moonlight Graham's Avatar
Great article from the Statesman.

Always a cat and mouse game with the potential prosecutors and the would be prosecuted. Not likely to change.

It's good to see that some professors can actually run a business.
greymouse's Avatar
The news that state laws attempting to prohibit our favorite profession are ill suited to attacking internet-based sex work and that courts have so ruled is not at all bad. That Central Texas' very own internet-based sex work expert, Dr. Scott Cunningham of Baylor's Economics Department is the authority quoted is not all surprising since as far as I know Professor Cunningham and his associate Todd Kendall are the only people who have systematically studied on-line sex work. It was a little worrying that the Professor seemed to be in favor of revising laws to be more effective against websites that act in the role of pimps (that is, as "agencies"). But then most of us have reservations about pimps whether they wear mink fedoras or appear as bodiless corporate virtual entities. I rather imagine that Dr. Cunningham spoke to the reporter for 20 minutes and 30 seconds worth of that was selected to be printed.

As to the future, a great many bills are introduced in every legislature every session and the overwhelming majority do not pass (God bless the committee system!), many of the were never intended to pass by their sponsors who were attempting to please or appease noisy constituents. We know some legislators and lobbyists are also members of our user group and have no independent desire to see the anti-sex league triumph. Reviewing the flood of new bills every session looking for ticking bombs is tiresome work ( I have done it in the past) although it is good for the occasional laugh as well as the occasional OMG! I wonder if anyone is doing it who would be willing to post their findings somewhere on the net?