Stalkers and Perverts

I would like to alert providers of a stalker I am having issues with currently. I am unsure how much personal information is allowed to post about him. Can I post his name, number, and description? He is parking near my residence and watching me come and go. Hes leaving me notes. Hes sending strange texts.... This is forcing me to move and stop using my private incall. I want to alert all the girls so they dont run into the same guy.

Also, Ive run across a pedophile. Not only that but a child molester. He has sent me pictures and texts to prove it. He actively babysits his niece, and she is the primary victim.
I met him through companionship so I want to be safe about getting to him. He didnt give a name so it took a while to find him but I finally found his facebook. I sent a message to a woman in his friends list with the same last name. I havent recieved anything back. Since, he has deleted his profile and I cant seem to find anymore family.
Who should I contact? I want to get this taken cate of as quickly as possible and if there is any way to be anonymous and still be able to send evidence?

I would recommend you post this info in the Infoshare /problem client reports. Its a private area just for providers. I would however not post his real life info there but let the other providers know they can PM you about his info. If you don't have access to Inforshare reach out to one of the lady MOD and they will help get you set up.

Cpalmson's Avatar
I would go even further to remind that posting RL info on ECCIE in any forum or via PM is a violation of our guidelines. Also, what is mentioned by the OP is borderline a violation of certain guidelines. We need to tread cautiously but also act responsibly.

Autumn, please check your PMs. It is important to know info.
My opinion, anybody crazy enough to be an actual child molester should not only be dealt with cautiously, but reported to the police. They take things like that very seriously. The tip could easily be anonymous, and an unsigned letter with photos and RL name would be compelling supportive evidence.
NaughtyLittleNative's Avatar
Are either of these men on this site?
Cpalmson's Avatar
NLN, I don't think so.

Okay, this topic is getting too sensitive and needs to be closed.