Report: Michigan AG seeks special prosecutor in 2020 probe

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The more we learn about what's was done to promote Trump's Big Lie, the more Trump's legions appear as criminals.

In the end, every one of them will face justice for their criminal behavior.

From fake electors to tampering with voting machines (and VOTES), they never gonna find Twitler the votes he wanted to overturn the election. Just more evidence of how his faithful stooges committed criminal acts.

Still waiting for Wisconsin to decertify.

Report: Michigan AG seeks special prosecutor in 2020 probe

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — The Michigan Attorney General’s office is asking that a special prosecutor investigate whether the Republican candidate for state attorney general and others should be charged in connection with an effort to gain access to voting machines after the 2020 election, according to published reports.

The Detroit News reported Sunday that Attorney General Dana Nessel’s office has asked that the Michigan Prosecuting Attorneys Coordinating Council, a state agency, appoint a special prosecutor to consider charges against nine people, including Republican attorney general candidate Matt DePerno, state Rep. Daire Rendon of Lake City and Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf.

The newspaper reported that the details of allegations were made in a letter sent Friday by Nessel’s chief deputy attorney general, Christina Grossi, to Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.

They involved convincing local clerks to hand over voting tabulators, breaking into them and performing “tests,” according to the letter.

The request for a special prosecutor was made because of the potential conflict of interest since Nessel likely will face DePerno in the November election.

DePerno, a lawyer, has been endorsed by former President Donald Trump. The political newcomer supports Trump’s false claims about his 2020 loss in the swing state to President Joe Biden. DePerno was endorsed by Michigan Republicans at their state convention in April. He will be officially nominated at a second convention later this month, but that was considered a formality.

“Dana Nessel knows she is losing this race,” DePerno’s campaign manager, Tyson Shepard, said in a statement Sunday night, The News reported. “She is desperate to win this election at all costs and is now targeting DePerno, her political opponent. Her actions are unethical and will further demonstrate to the voters that she is unfit for office.”

Five tabulators were taken from Roscommon and Missaukee counties in northern Michigan, and Barry County in western Michigan, according to the petition, which further states that Ben Cotton, Jeff Lenberg, Douglas Logan and James Penrose “broke into the tabulators and performed ‘tests’ on the equipment.”

Cotton, Lenberg, Logan and Penrose have all been involved in efforts to question the 2020 election. Cotton, Lenberg and Penrose were cited as experts by DePerno in a lawsuit involving Antrim County, The News reported.

Logan is the founder of Cyber Ninjas. He was involved in an audit of results in Maricopa County, Arizona.

The News said Leaf didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment Sunday and Rendon couldn’t be reached.

Obtaining undue possession of a voting machine used in an election is a felony punishable by five years in prison, the newspaper reported.
... Bring the charges... I'm sure the fine people over
Michigan-way want the truth... And also still wonder
how Detroit had "more votes than voters"...

They can look at everything. ... What can be more fain than that??

Hmmmm... I do wonder IF they'll use the FBI to do the investigation.
If they do - I surely hope it aint the same FBI leaders who
masterminded the Gretchen Whitmer kidnap plot. ...

#### Salty
... Bring the charges... I'm sure the fine people over
Michigan-way want the truth... And also still wonder
how Detroit had "more votes than voters"...

They can look at everything. ... What can be more fain than that??

Hmmmm... I do wonder IF they'll use the FBI to do the investigation.
If they do - I surely hope it aint the same FBI leaders who
masterminded the Gretchen Whitmer kidnap plot. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Touting more bullshit Salty. You should get tired of the lying.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't think he's tired of repeating the same lies over and over and over and over at infinitum.

BTW - Sorry about Olivia, Salty. She was a national treasure. (Probably doesn't know what I'm talking about)
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-08-2022, 03:16 PM
Touting more bullshit Salty. You should get tired of the lying. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I think , he thinks, he is telling the truth!

I don't think he's tired of repeating the same lies over and over and over and over at infinitum.

BTW - Sorry about Olivia, Salty. She was a national treasure. (Probably doesn't know what I'm talking about) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
She used to be the one that I want.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The immortal Kinky Friedman called her Olivia Neutron Bomb.

Still waiting for Wisconsin to decertify, as so many here had predicted/celebrated.

Dominion will end up owning all these bastiges.
Touting more bullshit Salty. You should get tired of the lying. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... What lying?

#### Salty
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-09-2022, 02:36 PM
... What lying?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Salty it would be much much simpler for all if you just bookmarked the oh so few passages where you were telling the truth
... What lying?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You really don’t know. Wow.

I’ll help you out with just one. I’m Detroit there were 250,138 votes cast and 504,714 registered voters. How can you continue a lie that “there were more votes than voters”. Oh yeah, because Twitter and Telegram said so”. I don’t expect you to get a single fact correct. At this point I just assume you’re lying rather than being ignorant.
... More votes than voters in certain areas of Detroit.
Must have been "same day" registration and voting.

Maybe you should read more.

Not calling YOU a liar... Perhaps you're just mis-informed.
Better news sources might help you in your quest.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sad commentary on the Trump era.

Lies don’t matter because there’s no respect or value for the truth. My grandkids will learn about this in high-school history.

You’re entitled to believe 1+1=3. I respect your right to opine 1+1=3. It’s just not true. And at some point, it transcends mis-information, don’t-you-think?

No sense in arguing a point you can’t make, mate.
... More votes than voters in certain areas of Detroit.
Must have been "same day" registration and voting.

Maybe you should read more.

Not calling YOU a liar... Perhaps you're just mis-informed.
Better news sources might help you in your quest.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You’ve no clue what you’re talking about (as usual) and clearly have no clue how voting works.

Again I’ll help you out. You can vote out of precinct. And you might do so for a lot of reasons, long lines in your precinct, another polling place is closer to your job, etc. but even with that being the case, your allegations are untrue and unsubstantiated. I provided you actual facts regarding the votes in Detroit to directly refute the lie you were spouting. Above I provide even more facts that the eventual audits of the votes and rolls for each precinct turned out to be correct after all. Nonetheless, you as usual, offer zero proof of your allegations. Hence, we know they are just lies.

As Ive stated before. You’re a liar and beyond help. You wanna prove you’re not a liar, provide some substantiated verifiable facts.

You’re soon to join Lusty Liar on the ignored list due to your inability to tell a modicum of truth. At least Lusty is capable of stating a fact, he’s just incapable of arguing with what someone actually says and prefers to lie about what they say to justify his argument, which is nearly worse than what you’re doing.

If you wanna have an argument, stop lying.
lustylad's Avatar
In Detroit it seems as though 1+1=3 has been claimed for years.

Would you be a little more receptive to this reality, instead of automatically dismissing it as a "lie", if someone told you it also happened in the 2016 election?

In 2016 Trump won Michigan by 10,704 votes. Hillary demanded a recount, I'm sure you recall.
lustylad's Avatar
You’re soon to join Lusty Liar on the ignored list due to your inability to tell a modicum of truth. At least Lusty is capable of stating a fact, he’s just incapable of arguing with what someone actually says and prefers to lie about what they say to justify his argument, which is nearly worse than what you’re doing.

If you wanna have an argument, stop lying. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Hmm... I believe you just called me a liar. That's not very nice or respectful, now is it?

#1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others.
#3 - Disrespect to others, IN GENERAL, will be considered an item of low tolerance, especially when posting in our coed forums.
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention.

I'm a little puzzled as to why you feel the need to constantly remind everyone that you have me on ignore. You're only broadcasting the fact that you are incapable of dealing with my well-reasoned, superior arguments.
... Actually HE called me a liar - when I mentioned the
FBI "masterminding" the kidnapping plot.

Let's look at the results... 6 defendants... 2 "plead deals"...
The others didn't want "plead deals" - they claimed that
The FBI created the plot and ENTRAPPED them.

... Two of them - NOT GUILTY... The two others? - MIS-TRIAL.
Looks like the government wants to try the two last ones again.

Crikey! ... IF they didn't "mastermind" the Whitmer plot
- the FBI surely mis-managed it.

WHERE are me "lies" with this exactly??

#### Salty