Only in New York? Spitzer versus the Madam

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
People used to say only in California but New York City must be developing a sense of humor. Besides Weiner running for Mayor former Senator Elliot Spitzer is running for NYC comptroller and one of his oponents? Kristin Davis, the former madam who supplied Spitzer (client # 9) his pussy.

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Spitzer no doubt saw how well Weiner was doing and asked himself "If the voters will overlook his shit, why shouldn't they overlook mine?"

It is a race to the bottom in NY.
Voters have short memories...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JCM800's Avatar

Spitzer no doubt saw how well Weiner was doing and asked himself "If the voters will overlook his shit, why shouldn't they overlook mine?"

It is a race to the bottom in NY. Originally Posted by ExNYer
exactly ...both of these morons will probably run away with it also and pretend it never happened.