What is the biggest existential threat to the United States of America?

  • Tiny
  • 04-04-2024, 09:53 PM
Would you agree this poll shows more about tomorrow thinking than it does (future) long term?
10 votes for Biden?
Few votes for war or disease?????

Polls can show other things at times. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Absolutely WD. And people who post here, including you and me, probably tend to emphasize politics more than we should.

I don't think Biden is going to fuck things up badly for the long term, especially if he serves alongside a Republican-controlled House or Senate.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Took advantage of blacks during reconstruction

Promoted segregation

Overthrew regimes in Greece, Costa Rica, the Congo, the Domionican Republic, Iraq, Brazil, and Indonesia

Created and/or tried to create unfair gerrymanders in places like Maryland, New Mexico and New York

Engaged in rampant corruption (e.g. Edwin Edwards)

Spread untrue stories about other candidates (e.g., Hillary Clinton staffers claiming Obama was a Muslim; Trump bloodbath claims)

Cheated on a massive scale in elections (e.g. George Parr, Richard Daley)

Censored people they disagreed with (e.g. MSNBC pundits censoring Ronna McDaniel)

Showed bad judgement (e.g. tried to stop construction of LNG plants)

Sucked up to anybody willing to throw a dime their way by passing out pork to crony capitalist contributors

Performed special favors for foreigners in return for bribes (e.g. Robert Menendez)

I could go on for a good while longer but I'm getting sleepy. Besides, as Strokey McDingDong showed, when you post extremely long replies you screw up the threads here. Originally Posted by Tiny
Perhaps I should have said the current democratic party.

Some of these are very out of date. some are both sides issues, like gerrymandering and corruption. I was hoping for some concrete policy issues we could debate on.
  • Tiny
  • 04-05-2024, 11:02 AM
Perhaps I should have said the current democratic party.

Some of these are very out of date. some are both sides issues, like gerrymandering and corruption. I was hoping for some concrete policy issues we could debate on. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Absolutely, some are both sides issues. A lot of politicians of both parties are liars and corrupt. As to your original point, I don't trust either side across the board. It often depends on the issue. I do trust Republicans a lot more on, say, taxes. And at the state level, I trust Democrats more on abortion.

If we're going to debate an issue extensively, it's probably best to do that in a specific thread, so we aren't considered thread-jackers.
The biggest existential threat to democracy is an uneducated public. Democracy only works if the public is educated and responsible enough to get out and vote. We haven't had democracy in this country since the Civil War - just a very rich ruling class that stages a fake right wing and a fake left wing to keep ignorant people distracted.

Our version of the Roman Colliseum, but a lot less entertaining.

Democracy in the USA of A died about 125 years ago, we're just eating our own, just like the plan requires.

Enjoy your Roman Feast.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... I was hoping for some concrete policy issues we could debate on. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Be the change you believe in, not in the WD way, the actually involved way. The site admins have created a Button for that. It's called the New Thread button.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Would not the leading vote recipient, in this here poll, be the O'Biden and would he not be the incumbent, subject to being evaluated on his record? Was there some shape shifting fold in the universe that escaped my detection?Cheer up. We already know that Nina "Moaning Mertyl" Jankytits scrubbed out and the recent follow up Pravda Czar, Kate Sparling(?) ain't cut'n it. So an opening for the role seems to be serendipitously coming available for you.

Any chance you are a minority, from a shit hole country, gay or lesbian, better yet - gender uncertain (ya! go with that)? Don't worry about any meaningful qualification (Pffffttzz) or math skills. But bonus points if you already got the Nazi salute down cold (so practice). You should be a shoo-in qualification wise for the role of Chief Dicktator in charge of all allowed media content. I just know it.. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
What the actual F are you rambling about?

You seem less coherent than a Trump defense lawyer!

Seems to be some insults in there, but I don’t speak MAGA, so let’s assume you’re whistling for doggies, while hijacking another thread.

Sad? Naw, it’s fucking hilarious!

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I was responding to someone that was having trouble keeping up with the thread topic. Well... that coupled with a bit of a problem accepting actual reality. I'm sure you know how that is. Regardless, sounds pretty sad-sackish to me.
What the actual F are you rambling about?

You seem less coherent than a Trump defense lawyer!

Seems to be some insults in there, but I don’t speak MAGA, so let’s assume you’re whistling for doggies, while hijacking another thread.

Sad? Naw, it’s fucking hilarious!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Wut? Only if we control the stupid people out of the gene pool.
Add a quick glance, I think they’re trying to establish standing for a “not fit for trial” plea…..
Representative democracy is a participation gig. Voting is not participating. It’s the price of admission. What do you do after the vote to hold office holders accountable is what a well informed and educated electorate does.
You’re suffering from the illusion of choice. We are derelict in our duty for the declaration of independence. We should remove these charlatans.
Tribalism. The blind ignorant allegiance of the electorate. It is the shofar of the vehicle that brought us to this Third World outhouse
Perhaps I should have said the current democratic party.

Some of these are very out of date. some are both sides issues, like gerrymandering and corruption. I was hoping for some concrete policy issues we could debate on. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

There aren’t dozen GOP voters who understand policy and maybe twice that of the democratic party. That’s why we’re here.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Wut? Only if we control the stupid people out of the gene pool. Originally Posted by Daneskold1
Maybe a better fit for the Great news in the fight of over population thread? Though I do acknowledge a good point you made about people being responsible for holding their representatives accountable, generally. Seems I read an admonishment to that effect in the Declaration of Independence: We the People...