Spotted Dick

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I found this item on the shelf of my local Kroger store and was shocked. And then thought that it might give my incall some character if a couple of cans were found in the kitchen area.

What are your thoughts? Has anyone ever TRIED spotted dick pudding? Or tried ... ?
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Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Supposed to be served with gravy like Yorkshire, or with syrup for dessert?
Traveler64's Avatar
IMHO Heinz needs to fire the marketing and/or product individual that came up with the branding. Call me old fashion, but to me pudding is cold, usually chocolate, and comes out of the refrigerator. If it comes in a can and has to be microwaved I'd think of it as soup.

Maybe this is why Heinz seems to sell only ketchup. LOL
yaddayadda's Avatar
And we wonder how British food got its reputation.
Shame on you! Is that all you think about?
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Spotted Dick pudding worries me... hell, a spotted dick worries me too!!


IMHO Heinz needs to fire the marketing and/or product individual that came up with the branding. Call me old fashion, but to me pudding is cold, usually chocolate, and comes out of the refrigerator. If it comes in a can and has to be microwaved I'd think of it as soup.

Maybe this is why Heinz seems to sell only ketchup. LOL Originally Posted by Traveler64
Heinz didn't come up with the name. It's a traditional British dish so the name is there to appeal to the British or people who have lived in Britain and know what it is.

If they were to change the name, then it would be a new product they were trying to develop a market for rather than a known product that already has a following.

From Wikipedia: "Spotted dick is an English steamed suet pudding containing dried fruit (usually currants) commonly served with custard. Spotted refers to the dried fruit (which resemble spots) and dick may be a contraction or corruption of the word pudding (from the last syllable) or possibly a corruption of the word dough[1] or dog, as "spotted dog" is another name for the same dish with the use of plums rather than currants. Another explanation offered for the word "dick" is that it comes from the German word for "thick" or dick."
I like the idea of having it at the incall

We have "Wash your Sins Away" bath gel at ours.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I like the idea of having it at the incall

We have "Wash your Sins Away" bath gel at ours.

Originally Posted by HoneyRose
Yes. I liked the idea of having a few cans at the incall myself. But when I picked up the can and looked at it, it had this heft and at almost $5 a can, I wanted some opinions.

I really appreciate the history of the product, though. I never thought that I would really like English food. I've had shepard's pie and didn't care for it. But perhaps I'm not being fair to the English. Could be an Irish thing!!!

The "Wash your sins away" bath gel sounds cute. I hesitate to tell you what we have at our incall. It could possibly scare the Devil.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Shame on you! Is that all you think about? Originally Posted by slowmover
Sadly, often yes. I'm obsessed.

To my friend Lea,

Did you know why that character in the movie "Animal House" was named "Pinto"? You had to read the book. He had a spotted cock like a pinto horse.

So spots on cocks are often times negotiable. And I have new glasses so I can take a closer look!!!!!!!

That pudding, btw, looked and when you shook the can, sounded awful.

First came across Spotted Dick reading the Master and Commander series of British 18th century naval novels. In fact there is so much mention of odd sounding foods a couple of internet sites sprung up just on the food. Same with the Harry Potter series.
First heard of it in the 70's watching Monty Python's Flying Circus on the local PBS affiliate.

Years later while up in British Columbia I saw it on a menu at a local English style pub and tried it. Not the best desert I ever had, but not horrible... like shepard's pie, or haggis, etc....

Silly Texan describes Spotted Dick:
How to make it:
Here is a woman eating spotted dick:
Torito's Avatar
Spotted dick is rolled up into what appears to be a very nasty looking sausage. The appearance in that state makes the name obvious.

TheWanderer's Avatar
I don't really see what the problem is microwaveable.

This song might apply ....

Talkin' 'bout your troubles
It's a cryin' sin
Ride a painted pony
Let the spinning wheel spin

Spinning Wheel - by Blood Sweat and Tears.