Castor oil and pulling the "plug".

Sad story...

I'm a bit torn on this one. What say you?
Sad story...

I'm a bit torn on this one. What say you? Originally Posted by UB9IB6
Tough call. Maybe just adhering to the State Law would be the best course.

If the Fetus is viable, and there is a good possibility that a healthy baby will come forth, then I would say let the Doctors do what is neccessary in order to bring this about, and then, after the baby is born, allow the father to fulfill his wife's wishes.

Of course, since the mother was starved for oxygen for a long enough period to cause severe damage, one can only wonder what the true condition of the Fetus is. If the Doctors later find that the fetus is damaged, would the State then allow the pregnancy to be terminated?

Like I said. Tough call.
The government always knows best ...LOL
I wonder if there is a test to determine the state of the fetus. .. other than vitals.
On one hand, you'd hate to see the pregnancy terminated because there is a chance the child would be fine.

On the other hand. .. wouldn't it be a kick in the nuts for this guy and his family to be forced to allow the birth of a potentially profoundly fucked up kid. . Especially if it was against ALL of their wishes. Including the mother?

I think the daily reminder of the unfortunate demise of his wife via taking care of this kid ...against his wishes would cause undue and an undesired hardship to be thrust upon he and his family.
Would this constitute cruel and unusual punishment?

Though one.
Do you take matters into your own hands and smother her when you're alone?
If she's brain dead, and you euthanize her body, is it still murder?

I can see a arguable case for charges because of the unborn child. ...
In this case. . Would it be considered an abortion or murder, legally?

If this guy were to pull the plug on his wife (brain dead wife), would that be murder?

I am no attorney and am ignorant of the law in this regard. I would be interested in what some of our resident lawsmiths have to say.