Mother of the year

KCQuestor's Avatar
From the Tampa Backpage Escort section:

I am almost positive that kid is drinking a beer.
Why would take your kid with you to a erotic photo shoot anyways.

So dumb
It could be her pimp; she doesn't look that smart and could need the assistance.
You might wanna check with the powers that be about this picture being posted. Considering it has a minor in it.
You might wanna check with the powers that be about this picture being posted. Considering it has a minor in it. Originally Posted by MsElena
Apparently he's old enough to drink a beer . . . ijs.


dirty dog's Avatar
From the Tampa Backpage Escort section:

I am almost positive that kid is drinking a beer. Originally Posted by KCQuestor
Really and what EXACTLY would you point out that gives you that idea, which beer company has a color scheme of white and maroon. Looks to me more like a Diet Dr. Pepper, but then that would not be as good reason to try and insult and belittle.
Lone Oak's Avatar
That buck on the wall wasn't the last thing mounted.
London Rayne's Avatar there something in the water with these women? How high are you?
Looks like a diet Dr. Pepper to me too.

I must say, I'm surprised this picture is still being shown. I would NEVER, let me repeat NEVER repost a picture that had a child in it. I don't care if the child is in a picture of a hooker or not.

It should've been reported to Backpage.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
Nice grill yo
shaking my head! This is ridiculous.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
A picture is worth a thousand words. Most of them are "You Stupid Bitch."
KCQuestor's Avatar
The beer comment was a joke. It doesn't REALLY look like a beer. The body posture is just one that made me think of a guy on the couch holding a beer watching the game.

It is too late for me to edit out the picture in my post. I would if I could, and just leave it up to readers to click the link.
*SMH* KCQuestor... you've been around the block a few times dude... you know that pic was out of bounds man. What were you thinking?

I reported the ad to Backpage and removed the image off our page. Hopefully this will fix the issue.

Lets use some common sense in our postings guys & gals.
That buck on the wall wasn't the last thing mounted. Originally Posted by Lone Oak
You know what they say? "The older the buck, the harder the horn!"