A Question For Providers: Do you get this a lot?

I guess guys really don't read the ads or the websites. Here my ad clearly states the DAYS ( DATES) and TIMES I am available in Dallas on my upcoming tour, and men

1. Ask me if they can see me on a day or time completely and utterly different from what is on my schedule.

2. They ask me what 'city' I'll be in when my showcase and ad says DALLAS.

3. They want to know what my prices are. ( the ads state what price by the hour, etc)

Is it just me, or do you guys get this a lot too, even from men who have seen several providers on their P411 and their Eccie/TER other reviews???
I saw you were headed for Dallas and was going to ask you if you were planning on coming to Austin too... guess I'm glad I didn't Anyway, I'm not quite 40 yet, so I'd be out of luck regardless.

But I have learned through experience that ladies have certain menu options and other things that they don't advertise regularly, probably because these are YMMV things. So even if I don't see it in the ad, I might still ask, as the worst she can say is no.
I saw you were headed for Dallas and was going to ask you if you were planning on coming to Austin too... guess I'm glad I didn't Anyway, I'm not quite 40 yet, so I'd be out of luck regardless.

But I have learned through experience that ladies have certain menu options and other things that they don't advertise regularly, probably because these are YMMV things. So even if I don't see it in the ad, I might still ask, as the worst she can say is no. Originally Posted by WorknMan
Austin is a trip I do have planned in the future. In fact what will be helpful is that I'll have a new website in a few weeks that will calender all my tours, and Austin I will hit at the end of February. This January is Dallas, and early February is Houston.

If you're not 40 that's okay as long as you have reviews and are established as a client. I say a certain age to weed out the not serious punks and time wasters who almost always are 18-21 LOL.
AA, I think the problem is that the guys look at your showcase and start thinking with the little head...and you know what they say about that.

Not defending those guys.
AA, I think the problem is that the guys look at your showcase and start thinking with the little head...and you know what they say about that.

Not defending those guys. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

I know I figured as much but it can get kind of annoying LOL sometimes. I think a website ( and I just finished out all the text for it to be submitted today) will help more because everything there is listed...men seem to enjoy looking at a website more than just a plain ad. Plus a calender will be there too to show when and where I will be in town on my tours

You guys and your little heads :P
I get it all the time, both while traveling and locally, I get a lot of questions about my availability and rates, even though Im always clear about it on my website and my ads. If I say Ill be in a city from Mon-Wed, I will have someone contact me trying to set a date for Fri.

Its one thing to ask if Ill be visiting or considering another city, its another to disregard the information I provided and ask me to repeat what I already have posted....I used to be really bothered by it, but not anymore...

I just take it in stride. ask where they saw my ad, to double-check I didnt leave out the info they are asking for...and let them know that all that info, plus additional things they may be interested in knowing is on my website, which I keep current.
jaydalee's Avatar
Yes,I encounter this and many times it is from an active hobbyist who should know better than to ask about rates.Especially when my rates are listed very clearly in my ads and website.Or I get the gent who says he is confused on what my rates are even though my rates are the same everywhere they do not vary depending on what site I am advertising on.At times it can get annoying but the guys who sends me emails inquiring on rate info I direct to my website if he still has questions about rates I do not respond.

Many guys do not read a lady's whole website or ad they just look at the pictures and call or email.I get many gents who request appts but do not provide any screening info no references nothing clearly states in my ads and website new friends do require screening.Most of the times these guys end up being time wasters the guys serious about booking an appointment will provide the necessary requested info.Thankfully,I get more gents who are serious than time wasters.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Wait a minute, you ladies put words in your ads and on your websites, I am too busy looking at pics. Read the whole thing? Just teasing

In my business I advertise my services as well, but I get calls from people wanting things I do not do. I take it as a compliment, I politely explain my situation and move on.

IMHO it is never the clients fault for contacting me, it is all part of doing business. I am self employed, my own boss, take off when I want and make lots of money, how can I complain about a few people that do not follow the rules? Or read the ads? Or try to get something from me for nothing? I can go back to working for someone else and making that person rich and I never have to put up with those things, but for me, being my own boss is much better than working for others. For example if the screening, advertising, client calls are such a big irritant you can work at an agency. Everything in this life has its disadvantages, the question is whether or not the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Just my .02
tonytiger4u's Avatar
I see a lot of discrepancies on rates depending on where you see an ad. Also, I get a lot of listings on P411 that end up not being in the city that they are listed under. Many of us are searching with a cell phone and it's just not as easy to look around the web for info. Many showcase ads don't list the city, just the state. I wouldn't want to waste a lot of time trying to see someone 3-4 hours away. AA, I looked your one time and it only showed being in Dallas for a few days in late Jan. Are there no other places or days working?

In the end, some guys may already know the answers to the questions they are asking. They are just nervous or trying break the ice in an awkward way. Not all of us are "players".
Thats why I dont make a big deal of it... Honestly, I dont at all mind if someone asks me about something thats not listed in my ads, its when they ask about things that are, and I am very consistent between all my ads and my site, that I take pause.

I do not talk about rates by phone, so I will always refer those questions back to my website, but if someone seems like they genuinely just want to confirm the info and such, Ill take the time to do that.

I know there are some who are "shopping around" cant keep track of who is who, and then by the time they talk to me, dont remember any details about me or my ad, but it feels a lot better when I know a guy was interested enough in me to check me out...and those are the type of guys who always end up being the best type of date.
Many guys do not read a lady's whole website or ad they just look at the pictures and call or email.
I have a systematic approach. There are just so many websites that I can read fully:
  1. First, if I know a lady's attitude from the boards, I'll look at her website first rather thoroughly. Attitude is always first.
  2. Next, if I see pics I like anywhere, I'll go to that website (if there is one). If the pics continue to attract and the price point is acceptable, I'll go over the website fairly thoroughly. However, there are a couple of things that can initially exclude a provider from consideration, and I can get out of the website pretty quickly:
    1. If she doesn't do outcalls, I can leave;
    2. If her price point is too high, I can leave. I see a lot of these. Too bad for me.
  3. If, after she passes these tests, I read the website very carefully. Especially the FAQ/Etiquette Sections to make sure we are in sync.
  4. I prefer P411, so I generally contact through there.
  5. Hopefully, her website tells me how she prefers first contacts: email, phones, whatever.
  6. If I don't hear within 24 hours, I figure I'm not going to hear from her.
By the time I get around to making an appointment request, I've read everything I can about a lady.

BTW, just out of curiosity, what percentage of your business comes from guys that don't read?
This is what I recently got in an email:

"Wow, I love your website. It's so well written & put together. What are your rates?"

Um, well if you read my "well written" website, you would have seen/read my rates on the rates page!

Here's another one:

Me: "No, I'm sorry I'm not available until 3:00 tomorrow".
Him: "Okay, can you see me at 2:00 tomorrow?"

Yeah, I think the guys end up thinking with the little head & they lose themselves in the pics & fantasies they start running through.

It's extremely annoying to me though. It actually baffles me at times.
DallasRain's Avatar
I get alot of guys thinking I am based in dallas...........just cause my name is dallas....lol
tia travels's Avatar
I get it about 75-85% of the time. Since I advertise in more than one spot, I ask them (like Nicole says) "Do you remember where you saw my ad?"

Most of the time, they see it on a site that allows me to post my schedule ahead of time...and thus when that happens, my profile appears in that city ahead of time.

It's an easy mistake.

If they state they were on my web site, then there's nothing left to do but give them the info. they request even though it's right in front of them and then mentally note one of 3 things:

1). some alien must have mind, body & muscle control over them as they can't seem to veer into other directions (pages of my site).
2). they must be really horny because they dropped everything to call.
3). it would be easy to leave winning lottery tickets sitting on the table in the room as they obviously are not good at searching for things. LOL
I get it about 75-85% of the time. Since I advertise in more than one spot, I ask them (like Nicole says) "do you remember where you saw my ad?"

Most of the time, they see it on a site that allows me to post my schedule ahead of time...and thus when that happens, my profile appears in that city ahead of time.

It's an easy mistake.

If they state they were on my web site, then there's nothing left to do but give them the info. they request even though it's right in front of them and then mentally note one of 3 things:

1). some alien must have body control over them they can't seem to veer from one direction (page).
2). they must be really horny.
3). it would be easy to leave winning lottery tickets sitting on the table in the room as they obviously are not good at searching for things. LOL Originally Posted by tia travels