Hairless cocks

Sinclar's Avatar
So ladies. when it comes to cock grooming, what's the preference? I try to keep things neat and trimmed as best I can. Just curious and this is the best place I've ever seen to pose this kind of question/topic.

However, trying to get totally clean shaven, especially round the sack and taint...not sure if it can be done solo. I'm a bigger guy so that adds a whole other layer of complication.

Then there's the complete lack of smooth texture/skin to contend with.

I've thought about setting up a time with a provider for a "haircut" but then explaining that one to the wife would be kind of interesting. And the itching as it grew back...can't imagine.
albundy's Avatar
As for the wife noticing the new trim job around junior, just keep it pretty trimmed all of the time. Not just for a provider or a hook-up. Just tell her you wanted junior to look good for her.

I keep trimmed, but not shaved. Looks weird totally bald down there but I don't want a shag rug down there either.

I was shaving the shaft one time a few hours before meeting a provider. It had been a little while and I had some long hairs growing out of junior. Anyway, I was using an electric shaver to be safe and I got too close to the cock/sack connection and WHOOPS! It caught the skin and made a tiny nick that started bleeding a tiny bit. FUCK!!! Had to cancel with the provider. Not going in some strange, even with a cover, with an open cut.

Moral: BE CAREFUL!!!
playerplano's Avatar
Put on a number one clipper guard and as said above just keep it trimmed all the time. Since you aren't shaving there shouldn't be any itching. You still have to be careful but not as easy to nick yourself. I think providers do prefer at least closely trimmed. It's just cleaner and your cock looks bigger too ;-)
I had the same issue with nics until I found the norelco 7100 personal groomer. Crap that sounded cheese ball but it's true.

I am ultra sensitive there to irritation. I cut longer hair with the clipper with guard on like suggested above. Then I use the electric shaver but I don't press. I lightly shave the area and it even works on the boys. Light irritated the first time but no bumps. I leave the stomach trimmed but bait and tackle are shaved.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
This kock can't fly but it can run!

Guest010619's Avatar
This kock can't fly but it can run!

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
Sure looks like a T-Rex.
I did both the shaving thing and waxing and prefer waxing to razor. It lasts longer and comes back a little finer. But it feels like the skin is being ripped off.
I would like to see it used against captured ISIS prisoners as opposed to water boarding.
That said, it depends on your comfort level. I have been getting waxed almost once a year for 30 years, and sometimes the entire body.
I do recommend that whether you shave or wax that you use some medicated Desenex powder to keep the area dry and to avoid penile chafing and itching. See, the hair around your cock does serve a purpose.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I have been shaving conventually for years now, once a week does it and I have zero issues, I work outdoors in the heat of the Texas summer with zero issues, guess I'm use to it now. Wouldn't have it any other way, and I can't remember what having a full forest was like.
Haven't licked a full bush in years and I'm not going to if I can help it!

DallasRain's Avatar
I am a ball & cock "worshipper" so PLZZZZZ at least trim./...and I will be the best damn worship experience you have ever had!! lol
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Now you have me thinking about my CW session that I am looking know the type where I sit back and get worshiped as she keeps coming up to kiss me to cool me off while the whole time I have my finger in her pussy, thanks Dallas!

I am a ball & cock "worshipper" so PLZZZZZ at least trim./...and I will be the best damn worship experience you have ever had!! lol Originally Posted by DallasRain
bc7274's Avatar
Never use a new razor. Way to sharp and almost a guaranteed cut. A slightly dull one seems to be the safest and best results.
Jannisary's Avatar
I'm pretty damn hairy so I use a close trimmer regularly on my pubic region above my penis and on my ass crack area. I do that about once a week or so I guess.

I shave my cock and balls with a Gillette Fusion at least every other day, sometimes everyday while taking my morning shower. I use a shaving gel for sensitive skin and have only had a few minor nicks since I started several years ago. Those happen usually with going to fast with a brand new razor or using a razor too long and its gotten too dull. If you just make it part of your shower routine you get used to it and doesn't really add that much more time to the shower if you shave regularly. Plus if you miss a little spot you can get it the next day. The day before a paid date I'll take my time and shave extra carefully to make sure I got everything perfectly and then I won't shave the morning of the date to be careful.

One thing to keep in mind, if you start shaving it you basically need to keep shaving it. It is when you shave and let it grow back that you run risk of ingrown hairs. If you shave and keep it shaved you reduce the risk of that problem.
mm-good's Avatar
Shave it all and keep shaving. You will not regret it.
I shave every couple of days and always before a weekend Fusion razor that I always do a face shave with first and recommend a shaving cream called Head Slick . . . was originally used for head shaving but works great in "other" areas as well. Wifey uses it also on her hair removal areas. Have only seen it at Walgreens but can't recommend highly enough. Comes in a yellow bottle with black labeling . . . looks almost like a mustard squeeze bottle.
lets get hot's Avatar
i prefer waxing to keep all nice and clean
Cock, ball and crack is waxed every 6-7 weeks. Been going it for years. The wife and most providers love them clean.