Availability in Dallas???

Ok I'm noticing that alot of ladies on bp are advertising in the evening. Is there a specific reason for this? I'm use to the daytime availability....so this is different for me. Can anyone tell my why the night time in Dallas is better?
I personally don't think it is. I'm generally busy up until about 4PM and then dead.. with one or two exceptions.
Cool. I'm willing to do evening hours.....I just don't want to...LOL! I like to have my evening available for my kiddos. Thanx 4 the info
pmdelites's Avatar
carly, obviously i'm not a provider, but i've been around this sub-culture a loooong time and have seen where it works and where it doesnt.

if you havent done so already, i suggest you decide what your high level goals and values are - what you want out of this, when you want to work, where you want to work, what kind of guy you'll see, what sort of safety you'll use, etc. then advertise your hours, locations, screening info req'd, and of course some sexy photos. :^)

dont want to work at night? then dont.
dont want to work before 10am? then dont.
dont want to drive to plano for an outcall? then dont.
it can be as simple as that [but usually isnt, see below]

then see how it goes.

after a while, if you find that you are not getting the results you are after, go back and rethink your business plan, hours, locations, etc. and revise whatever you need to. then see how that goes. as in any good business - Plan, Do, Check, Act.

i would think that what makes this business complicated is all the "what ifs"
some guy you know wants to schedule at a time of day when you hadnt plan on working.
some newbie contacts you for an appt w/out references and you need another consulting session to meet your weekly/monthly goal.
some guy wants to see you that doesnt fit your profile.
some guy books with you and then one of your favorite guys wants an appt at the same time.
then you have to decide - yea or nay.

but if you keep your mains goals and values in mind when making your decisions, it can make it a bit easier. you can decide outside those boundaries, but do so in an informed and reasoned way, not just cos you need those fees.

but, if i'm probably preaching to the choir here, you can go on to the next post/thread.
Well I'm a pretty well established provider. Been in the biz 8year +. But I have also been in the same location for a while. So I'm just trying to get input for a different location. I'd hate to drive all the way out to dowtown or any area in Dallas and it is a waste of time. I do understand thats part of the risks of changing locations. But I noticed more than a few ladies advertise in the evening. My standards & goals are set.....just need to see if the guys are comfortable with evening availability. 97% of my clients are married.......so I just don't see them leaving out of the house at 7pm or later to come and see me. But as my location is changing, I will be seeing alot of new guys. My whole thing is, I like to cater to the gentlemen....and if daytime availability fits them better than evening or vis vera....I want to be able to do what fits them best.
texasmarine's Avatar
I fall into the 97% you mentioned. My first appt with a lady is usually 2 hours. My job has me out late at night alot so I will usually always book at night because I can explain the time. I can't explain away the drive time to Arlington or GP, a 2 hour visit, and then the drive back home. I live in Plano. So if the nights in Dallas are better, it's not due to me because I'm not that busy I understand and respect your reason for not wanting to do night visits, so do what's best for you. (thought bubble over head...I hope she comes to Dallas)
pmdelites's Avatar
Well I'm a pretty well established provider. Been in the biz 8year +. But I have also been in the same location for a while. So I'm just trying to get input for a different location. I'd hate to drive all the way out to dowtown or any area in Dallas and it is a waste of time. I do understand thats part of the risks of changing locations. But I noticed more than a few ladies advertise in the evening. My standards & goals are set.....just need to see if the guys are comfortable with evening availability. 97% of my clients are married.......so I just don't see them leaving out of the house at 7pm or later to come and see me. But as my location is changing, I will be seeing alot of new guys. My whole thing is, I like to cater to the gentlemen....and if daytime availability fits them better than evening or vis vera....I want to be able to do what fits them best. Originally Posted by Carly's Angels

carly, i'm glad that you have goals & standards [esp. catering to the gentlemen!!] and now appreciate that you've been in this business/sub-culture for a while. so, i was preaching to the choir. hope i wasnt off-key :^)

however, from your first post "Can anyone tell my why the night time in Dallas is better?" is a very different question than "where to move" and what's a good time for you guys to come visit me".

if most of your current guys can only visit you during the daytime, then go with that. but i would not jump to the conclusion that because they are married they cant get out at night. maybe not all the time, but i imagine some could [at least texasmarine could].

i might guess that some of the BP women advertise evening hours cos they mostly/only work at night. i wont speculate as to why they might only work at nite.

personally, as i need to go to my employer's office a couple of days a week, i mostly consult during the day. and only in n. dallas area cos that's where the office is.

but if i have lots of freetime w/out anyone at home calling me [happens 3 or so times a year], then morning, noon, afternoon, night, late nite, all nite is fine with me!! and location is less of a concern.
Carly, instead of jumping ship and move to a new location, why don't you just do a 2-3 day tour in Dallas and see if it will work well for you, like testing the water.

Don't know how you do it but you are in great shape. Surprise to hear that you have kiddos.
My experience is that daytime dates are usually incall and evening dates are almost always outcall.

If you're talking about just having your incall available in the evenings, I honestly don't think it's going to be used much.

(Your showcase says "incalls only". I haven't looked at the BP ads but they often say "hotel friendly" which means they'll do outcalls to hotels.)
tc76's Avatar
  • tc76
  • 06-10-2011, 04:38 PM
Hi Carly! The simplest answer to the question, IMHO, is that at night, it's easier to get out of the house. In the evening, you obviously don't have to watch the clock to make sure that you're not away from the day-job for too long, and for a guy that's attached, it's easier to come up with a reason to leave home, i.e. going to the gym or out on a long-awaited night out with the guys.

I do agree with some of the earlier posts, though; if your current location works, then stick with it; there's no sense in trying to fix what ain't broken. If you want to experiment with different locations, well, that can only help you increase your base, as long as you can keep it going, and even then, by all means, be VERY careful!

I'm completely shocked that you have kiddos! You're quite the specimen!
PODarkness's Avatar
Umm, let's not make this complicated. They post at night because they don't get up until 3 - 4 pm

Just a guess.
I agree, the night time providers are usually responding more towards outcalls or have that option...