Former Speaker Pelosi Has Lost Her Mind

Late last night the news broke that Former Speaker, Rep. Nancy Pelosi – Democrat, chased down a Republican Representative through the House Chamber. Not once, but twice. It went so far that Republicans attempted to physically block an irrational Pelosi from the target of her rage, Rep. Tom Marino of Pennsylvania.

John Parkinson, an ABC News Congressional Reporter, has the storyUS-POLITICS-PELOSI. But allow me to set this up a bit before I quote him gratuitously. During the immigration debate yesterday before passage of the House bill, Rep. Marino spoke about how the Democrats purposefully ignored the issues at the border when they had control of the House, the Senate, and the White House. Which is true, and more than likely Pelosi’s biggest issue.

Rep. Pelosi’s irrational rage and off the wall behavior aren’t caused by Marino’s remarks, but rather Pelosi’s inability to accept the reality that she squandered her time as Speaker for a broken Health Care system, and enacted immigration legislation, the DREAM Act, which no doubt was one of many catalysts to the current humanitarian, and near constitutional, crisis at the border.

Now, to John Parkinson’s coverage:

Off-mic, Pelosi then approached Marino, crossing the aisle in view of cameras, and apparently challenged Marino’s assertion that Democrats did not do anything about the issue when they had majority control.

“Yes it is true,” Marino replied directly to Pelosi, who was House speaker in those years. “I did the research on it. You might want to try it. You might want to try it, Madam Leader. Do the research on it. Do the research. I did it. That’s one thing that you don’t do.”

Now, this isn’t the worst break in decorum, but Pelosi isn’t exactly at the height of mental stability as far as I can tell, and she wasn’t done yet.

After Marino concluded his remarks and as many Republicans applauded their colleague, Pelosi crossed the chamber again in view of cameras, enraged, pointing and sticking her finger at Marino.

I can’t help but think Pelosi’s comments were reminiscent of the Wicked Witch screeching at Dorothy, “I’ll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!“

But that was it, just an enraged burn out hippie wagging fingers and mumbling unintelligibly “I was Speaker!”

Oh, did I say that was it? I am sorry… that was definitely not it.

She then followed Marino up a Republican aisle, gesturing and arguing with him. Lawmakers on the GOP side gathered in dismay as one spoke out to tell the chair that the House was not in order, in an effort to halt the bickering.

Pelosi finally relented after Republicans tried to get between Pelosi and Marino

This, my friends, is the best and brightest the Democrat Party has to offer. This crazy old lady once held the gavel of the United States House of Representatives.

Of course, I guess it really ia a sign of our progress that Pelosi is now limited to limited outbursts of insanity on the House floor instead of determining the fate of the entire nation with regard to Health Care. Well, done there, by the way.
Remind you of anyone in the Political Forum ?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
She, like Shelia Jackson Lee and many others are, the true representatives of the people that vote for them.
She, like Shelia Jackson Lee and many others are, the true representatives of the people that vote for them. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Oh my gosh, what a terrible concept!

Surely, the framers of our Constitution would turn over in their graves if they knew "the people" were now voting for and electing their "true representatives."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-03-2014, 10:00 AM
She, like Shelia Jackson Lee and many others are, the true representatives of the people that vote for them. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You do understand that Shelia Jackson Lee is a product of a GOP gerrymandered district your Texas Legislature set up?

Had it set up more competitive districts , you would not see so many loons from both sides of the aisle.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-03-2014, 10:01 AM
Remind you of anyone in the Political Forum ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Reminds me of JDCornhole

Reminds me of JDCornhole Originally Posted by WTF

Reminds me of the entire Idiot Klan, errrrrr Clan!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
absolutely reminds me of the screech owls who repeat the same insults AND LIES OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER...

BTW -- whir-LIE-turd, why did you doctor the quote from the Wizard of Oz? The Wicked Witch never mentioned Toto by name. Is Toto another one if your names for Obama? are you calling him a dog?

Or did you just misquote it?

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-03-2014, 12:52 PM
You do understand that Shelia Jackson Lee is a product of a GOP gerrymandered district your Texas Legislature set up?

Had it set up more competitive districts , you would not see so many loons from both sides of the aisle.

Originally Posted by WTF

Sadly, there seems no desire to change that. The Reps have made an art form of getting the most House seats with the fewest votes, so why would they change? The Dems now comprehend that the Reps have pulled on over on them, so now they are trying to apply the same thing to their advantage.
Shelia Jackson Leigh is the product of a dumb down electorate that votes her in, year after year..............

Are you saying we need to re-district the idiot voters out of representation?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-03-2014, 01:00 PM
Former Speaker Pelosi Has Lost Her Mind Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Not true! For that to be true she would have to have had one at one point. She is to the Dems what Rove is to the Reps--a vile, evil person who has done great harm to the country.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-03-2014, 07:28 PM
Shelia Jackson Leigh is the product of a dumb down electorate that votes her in, year after year..............

Are you saying we need to re-district the idiot voters out of representation? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No...they need to be redistricted into competitive districts that give the best representation for all. Have you seen these fucked up congressional maps?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Remind you of anyone in the Political Forum ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You mean someone who would misquote someone in the title of a thread?

Former Speaker Pelosi Has Lost Her Mind
Late last night the news broke that Former Speaker, Rep. Nancy Pelosi – Democrat, chased down a Republican Representative through the House Chamber. Not once, but twice. It went so far that Republicans attempted to physically block an irrational Pelosi from the target of her rage, Rep. Tom Marino of Pennsylvania.

John Parkinson, an ABC News Congressional Reporter, has the storyUS-POLITICS-PELOSI. But allow me to set this up a bit before I quote him gratuitously. During the immigration debate yesterday before passage of the House bill, Rep. Marino spoke about how the Democrats purposefully ignored the issues at the border when they had control of the House, the Senate, and the White House. Which is true, and more than likely Pelosi’s biggest issue.

Rep. Pelosi’s irrational rage and off the wall behavior aren’t caused by Marino’s remarks, but rather Pelosi’s inability to accept the reality that she squandered her time as Speaker for a broken Health Care system, and enacted immigration legislation, the DREAM Act, which no doubt was one of many catalysts to the current humanitarian, and near constitutional, crisis at the border.

Now, to John Parkinson’s coverage:

Off-mic, Pelosi then approached Marino, crossing the aisle in view of cameras, and apparently challenged Marino’s assertion that Democrats did not do anything about the issue when they had majority control.

“Yes it is true,” Marino replied directly to Pelosi, who was House speaker in those years. “I did the research on it. You might want to try it. You might want to try it, Madam Leader. Do the research on it. Do the research. I did it. That’s one thing that you don’t do.”

Now, this isn’t the worst break in decorum, but Pelosi isn’t exactly at the height of mental stability as far as I can tell, and she wasn’t done yet.

After Marino concluded his remarks and as many Republicans applauded their colleague, Pelosi crossed the chamber again in view of cameras, enraged, pointing and sticking her finger at Marino.

I can’t help but think Pelosi’s comments were reminiscent of the Wicked Witch screeching at Dorothy, “I’ll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!“
But that was it, just an enraged burn out hippie wagging fingers and mumbling unintelligibly “I was Speaker!”

Oh, did I say that was it? I am sorry… that was definitely not it.

She then followed Marino up a Republican aisle, gesturing and arguing with him. Lawmakers on the GOP side gathered in dismay as one spoke out to tell the chair that the House was not in order, in an effort to halt the bickering.

Pelosi finally relented after Republicans tried to get between Pelosi and Marino

This, my friends, is the best and brightest the Democrat Party has to offer. This crazy old lady once held the gavel of the United States House of Representatives.

Of course, I guess it really ia a sign of our progress that Pelosi is now limited to limited outbursts of insanity on the House floor instead of determining the fate of the entire nation with regard to Health Care. Well, done there, by the way.
http://www.redstate.com/2014/08/02/f...osi-lost-mind/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Besides you?

Yes, it reminds me of other people on this site.
cowboy8055's Avatar
You do understand that Shelia Jackson Lee is a product of a GOP gerrymandered district your Texas Legislature set up?

Had it set up more competitive districts , you would not see so many loons from both sides of the aisle.

Originally Posted by WTF
Both parties screw around with gerrymandering. My district in NY went from Rep to Dem recently. Not that it matters in this state. Only 6 of 27 seats are Rep.

I remember back in the 70's and 80's the Dems loved to mess with Jack Kemp's district.