Sad day for our military

American Major General Reportedly Fatally Shot in Afghanistan

American Major General Reportedly Fatally Shot in Afghanistan
Highest-ranking member of the American military to die in Afghanistan

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
August 5, 2014 10:49 am

A United States Army major general was shot and killed at close range on Tuesday by a man dressed as an Afghan soldier at a training academy on the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan, the New York Times reports.

KABUL, Afghanistan — A United States Army major general was killed on Tuesday by an Afghan soldier, shot at close range at a military training academy on the outskirts of Kabul, an official of the American-led coalition and Afghan media reported Tuesday. The officer was the highest-ranking member of the American military to die in hostilities in the Afghanistan war.

The coalition official, who spoke on condition of anonymity and would not release the name of the major general, said an unspecified number of other service members of the American-led coalition and Afghan soldiers, including a senior Afghan commander were also shot. Their conditions were not known.

Other details of the shooting were sketchy, and the coalition official would only confirm that “an incident” had taken place at the Afghan National Army Officer Academy. [...]

Tuesday’s shooting was the first so-called insider attack in Afghanistan in months. Such attacks, in which Afghan troops open fire on unsuspecting coalition forces, at one point posed a serious challenge to the war effort, sowing distrust and threatening to upend the American-led training mission that is vital to the long-term strategy for keeping the Taliban at bay.
Major General Harold Greene...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
People die in combat everyday. I thought you were talking about those pinks slips given out to middle management officers (captains and majors). What would you do if you were hunkered down under fire when you get notified that your military career is over because of the man-child in the White House. You spent more time overseas that this ass has in office and you are losing your job. I wonder if this is another executive order. When Bush did it back in 1992 it was passed by Congress.

Then again, just like the military people in Fort Hood, TX, this happened in the work place. According to the White House then the general does not deserve a Purple Heart or anything else related to dying in combat.
New low even for you Judy.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Idiot, the new low comes from the White House that made all of these things possible.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Idiot, the new low comes from the White House that made all of these things possible. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You are an unpatriotic POS- you just shitted on our great troops-apologize!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
People die in combat everyday. I thought you were talking about those pinks slips given out to middle management officers (captains and majors). What would you do if you were hunkered down under fire when you get notified that your military career is over because of the man-child in the White House. You spent more time overseas that this ass has in office and you are losing your job. I wonder if this is another executive order. When Bush did it back in 1992 it was passed by Congress.

Then again, just like the military people in Fort Hood, TX, this happened in the work place. According to the White House then the general does not deserve a Purple Heart or anything else related to dying in combat. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Once again he doesn't have a clue.

From Feb. 2012

The Army's drawdown of 80,000 soldiers planned for the next six years has several similarities to the drawdown after the Cold War.
One big difference: The Army had 770,000 soldiers on active duty in November 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell. That's about 200,000 more than in December, when the last Humvees and MRAPs rolled out of Iraq.
Here are some things soldiers may see in this drawdown that the Army has experience with:
Timeline: Six years is the timeline that defense and Army leaders stipulate for the upcoming force reduction.
That's the same amount of time the post-Cold War drawdown took to reach 490,000 soldiers, despite a manning surge related to the brief Persian Gulf War of 1991.
Lt. Gen. Thomas Bostick, Army personnel chief, has said that the size of the drawdown is not as important as the length of time the Army is given to achieve that reduction.
"We feel that with the demand going down ... and given the time to conduct a reasonable drawdown, we can manage [the force reduction] as we have managed drawdowns in the past," Bostick said
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You are an unpatriotic POS- you just shitted on our great troops-apologize! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Actually, Bush and Obama have been doing that for about 12 years.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You just don't get it and you never will. Wee-wee, WTF, EVA, and the rest are all just too damn stupid to understand shit about anything important. When they don't understand something then they attack like rabid little lap dogs.

I thought this would happen. You've all got a problem now. The White House has come and said that they will not comment on the death of a general as many other soldiers are dying too. That is what I wrote earlier. So now, you little mealy mouthed bastards, your turn to complain about Obama if you want to be consistent. I figure most of you hypocritical bastards cannot bring yourselves to disagree with Obama so there you go. You have no honor, no spine, no brains, and no hope.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
People die in combat everyday. I thought you were talking about those pinks slips given out to middle management officers (captains and majors). What would you do if you were hunkered down under fire when you get notified that your military career is over because of the man-child in the White House. You spent more time overseas that this ass has in office and you are losing your job. I wonder if this is another executive order. When Bush did it back in 1992 it was passed by Congress.

Then again, just like the military people in Fort Hood, TX, this happened in the work place. According to the White House then the general does not deserve a Purple Heart or anything else related to dying in combat. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
In this post, you bitched about RIFs. People get laid off every day. And of course it was Obama's fault. Then you lied about the White House saying the General doesn't deserve a Purple Heart.

You just don't get it and you never will. Wee-wee, WTF, EVA, and the rest are all just too damn stupid to understand shit about anything important. When they don't understand something then they attack like rabid little lap dogs.

I thought this would happen. You've all got a problem now. The White House has come and said that they will not comment on the death of a general as many other soldiers are dying too. Link? Didn't think so. This was on CNN.
White House: Attack is 'painful reminder' of troops' sacrifice
President Barack Obama was briefed about the shooting and called Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, to get more information, Earnest said.
"While we have made tremendous progress in disrupting, dismantling and defeating al Qaeda operations and leadership in Afghanistan and progress in winding down U.S. involvement in that conflict, this shooting, of course, is a painful reminder of the service and sacrifice that our men and women in uniform make every day for this country," Earnest said

That is what I wrote earlier. Earlier you wrote "Peopie die in combat very day." Before you posted h biebart shit. And until you posted it, you sounded just like what you claim Obama sounded like There's a word for that. No, not asshole. In your case it's a given. That 'H" word.So now, you little mealy mouthed bastards, your turn to complain about Obama if you want to be consistent. I figure most of you hypocritical bastards cannot bring yourselves to disagree with Obama so there you go. You have no honor, no spine, no brains, and no hope.You have a spine only in the literal sense. And even the people on the leading flat of the intelligence bell curve have a brain. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
This has nothing to do with Obama. It's all your little race to be firstest with the wrongest. What has he done wrong in this thread? Nothing supposedly any different than you. Except we saw you do it and it doesn't look like he did what you did.
All in all, another classic jdouche-bag post.
You just don't get it and you never will. Wee-wee, WTF, EVA, and the rest are all just too damn stupid to understand shit about anything important. When they don't understand something then they attack like rabid little lap dogs.

I thought this would happen. You've all got a problem now. The White House has come and said that they will not comment on the death of a general as many other soldiers are dying too. That is what I wrote earlier. So now, you little mealy mouthed bastards, your turn to complain about Obama if you want to be consistent. I figure most of you hypocritical bastards cannot bring yourselves to disagree with Obama so there you go. You have no honor, no spine, no brains, and no hope. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
By the way shit head there was nothing about Obie in the OP. It was only mentioning a death of a military member, of course you had to shit on the Op with your stupidity. We do get the fact you are a prick.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In this post, you bitched about RIFs. People get laid off every day. And of course it was Obama's fault. Then you lied about the White House saying the General doesn't deserve a Purple Heart.

This has nothing to do with Obama. It's all your little race to be firstest with the wrongest. What has he done wrong in this thread? Nothing supposedly any different than you. Except we saw you do it and it doesn't look like he did what you did.
All in all, another classic jdouche-bag post. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

This is the best that you can do Munchie, lie about what I said. Yes, you lied again. I DID NOT say that the White House said he didn't deserve a Purple Heart. I said that the White House denied Purple Hearts to the men and women in uniform wounded at Fort Hood because they classified it as a work place act of violence. That is not in question, that is a fact!

As far as the reductions in force, in 1992 this was done with a vote of Congress. This time it is being done by Obama and not Congress. It was a mistake in 1992 and it is a mistake now but some people, you among them, don't learn.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
By the way shit head there was nothing about Obie in the OP. It was only mentioning a death of a military member, of course you had to shit on the Op with your stupidity. We do get the fact you are a prick. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
EVA the Dodger; Obama's mouthpiece just put out what I had predicted, but didn't look forward to, they would do. Your cum stinking mouth needs to chew on Obama's ass.
EVA the Dodger; Obama's mouthpiece just put out what I had predicted, but didn't look forward to, they would do. Your cum stinking mouth needs to chew on Obama's ass. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You are a simple shit Judy calling you on your stupidity is not defending Obie it is calling you on your stupidity. Get it? go suck a dick faggot. Do you fuckers get a lobotomy when you join the tea party?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So this is your way of saying that Obama did do it? What is it with you and faggots? Sound like you get a real turn on thinking about it.