Weekly & Weekend Updates--Where are they? And what's happening?

RustyBalls's Avatar
As of 5:30 today, only a few ladies have posted in the Weekly Updates and only a few more have posted over in the Weekend Updates. What's happening with the lady's posts? Surely we couldn't have scared off that many ladies. Is there a reason that MODs are not reviewing and posting the lady's ads?

I thought with the 5th of October and the start of ACL downtown, that there would be a rush by the ladies to get the word out as to who was available this weekend.

I have also noticed that when ladies post new thread in the forums, the main page of Austin eccie does NOT get updated to show the latest post. Technical issues???

Not much in Coed today either?

Something's happening or not happening.

Asking for a friend...
winn dixie's Avatar
The new rules for providers including posting rules have pushed the ladies away to other sites and opportunities. As the ladies left so followed the mongers. As seen in participation. {Post counts and view counts}. Advertisers have left as a result.
This is what's left. A shell of the mighty E...
I agree with the 21 and over age requirement, but everything else is geared to being sesta/fosta
Everything is really up in the air until Jan 1 2019!!!!!!!
RustyBalls's Avatar
OH2 has about 12 providers posting today in "daily ad" forum for providers in ATX.

All the old hands from eccie/ASPD days have lots of Long-Term friends and regulars, don't need the ads. This just makes it difficult for newbie hobbyists and providers in ATX.

Don't know if this is happening in other cities.
winn dixie's Avatar
Most all of the ladies are using oh2 and switter. Eccie is losing ladies weekly and they're not coming back. The new rules have drove them away.
Also people moving away from the review culture have found switter to be a welcome site. Switter has become very popular for the ones wanting to stay away from the "boards".
RustyBalls's Avatar
And as of Sunday morning, the drought appears to continue with very few ladies posting here in ATX on eccie coed, weekly and weekend updates.

Also the number of guy posting in their areas is down here in ATX as there are very few new reviews when compared to weekends in the not to-distant past.

Again, we have to ask why? Is it the attitude of the guys, new eccie rules, concerns about affects of new laws, technical issues with eccie website (gateway issues), delays in getting weekly/weekend ads approved by the MODs, or are the ladies finding they don't need eccie any more through their use of other social media and other hobby sites.
It’s eccie and their stupid rules about posting. It sometimes takes them 24 hrs to view our ads before posting them.
You also have to consider the prices of hotels for acl. I would not pay over 100 for a room. I mean has acl ever been good for providers.