After the Floods in Beaumont and working!

When you have been in this business as long as I have. You know a few things. NUMBER 1 NEVER GO TRY TO GET A HOTEL AFTER A NATIONAL DISASTER. If they are not booked they are high as hell
people either is dealing with floods are helping loved ones that is dealing with floods.
I would think all the Houston and Beaumont providers would be flooding the rest of East Texas.
I told Simply Simone who is in Beaumont to head to Lufkin, Nacogdoches, Longview or Tyler even Shreveport NO WAY IN THE WORLD IF I WAS THAT WAY WOULD I EVEN TRY TO WORK IN BEAUMONT OR HOUSTON RIGHT NOW..

So I was very suprise to see JWood post a drought on a Saturday in Tyler????

Too many young providers and hard headed providers that don't
hope this helps
JustinLustAgain's Avatar
Hope you got to provide some special relief effort down that way. They certainly deserve it.
Well thank god some dont listen. Beaumont guys still want to have some fun. A lot of work is around right now. So business should be booming in this area!
Well you tel Simone hotels are high ND people are busy cleaning up. If it was me I'd wake 2 more weeks. NOT Only will they be plenty thirst but hotels will be cheaper and people more on a better clean up scheldule plus insurance check will be clearing... just my 2 a 17 yr provider that's my take.. I know you men don't like to hear that but.....