What's going on at Kyoto?

I live fairly close to Kyoto and I'll occasionally pull into the lot if I'm passing by to see how busy they are even though I have no intention of visiting at the moment. It was more of a check to see when they are the busiest to avoid that time in the future.

Well in the last few weeks I've checked out the lot 4 or 5 times at different times and days. Around 6:00 PM a couple of week days, late at night on a Friday or Saturday and also mid afternoon on the weekend.

Every time I checked it was a totally empty lot. Not one car. There also weren't any cars behind the building that is beside Kyoto. There were a couple cars across the street at the fast food places but I really don't think anyone would park there, get out of their car and walk across the street.

Is Kyoto getting so bad that nobody is going or are people parking far away and walking there? I stopped going there because it always ended up a few people would show up when I was there and I would get rushed out the door.

Any ideas?
LOL You need a hobby!
It sounds like a perfect time to visit. Good chance you won't be inconvenienced by anyone else showing up.
This is my hobby. LOL.

I haven't gone to Kyoto in quite a while because of how rushed it is and the quality of the women had gone down hill. For around $40 more you can/could book an hour with a private woman and at least get a full hour and have their attention and an actual conversation. It's more of a personal experience. When I first started going to Kyoto basically all the women were attractive and sweet and even though you couldn't have a conversation because of the lack of a common language you still could communicate and have fun with a sexy Asian woman who made you feel good. Towards the end of my visiting days some of the women weren't really that attractive, they would run you into the shower, then leave you in the sauna for at least 10 minutes then take you to the room and give you a quick massage that wasn't personal at all and then actually haggled you over the money wanting at least $120 for full service instead of $100 extra. Then they would do their best to get you to pop in 3 minutes. I actually had one woman get mad at me because I was going for at least 15 minutes and wouldn't pop. She started bitching so naturally that killed the experience for me so I went home aggravated to say the least. CiCi was extremely hot and she did get me to pop in only about 5 minutes and no matter how I tried I couldn't slow her down to make me last. The whole experience was maybe 40 minutes at most.

It seems most of the women on the other site aren't that attractive anymore and are getting more expensive so I was thinking about trying Kyoto again for $160 total.

Any suggestions?
