What happened to Midland/Odessa?

This used to be one of the most happening places in the central US. I know petroleum was down for a while but as busy as things are now I would have thought the provider availability would have picked up as well. Second time I've been here in a month and only 3 or 4 ads for the area.
I am not a provider but my guess would be why come here and pay two to three times for the cost of a room when you could go to Lubbock, Amarillo, or El Paso and not have to pay nearly as much but still charge the same rate.
That's a good point, I hadn't thought of that. Since all of my travel expenses are on a compant card I forget how pricey the area can be.
raremonkey's Avatar
I think that is exactly what is happening. All started about the time of the convention. Some rooms were 2-300 a night even at the crappy places.
DallasRain's Avatar
hotels in Midland are the highest of any town in West Texas!!
guys i work with are staying in odessa even though we are working south of Pecos. I was told rooms there are about $100 less a night than in Pecos. It is rediculous around here. I am paying the same rate in Pyote for a trailer spot that I paid in Colorado at a resort.
Winter Monroe's Avatar
Midessa room rates are the highest I've ever paid in the 6 yrs I've been in this area. Mon thru Wed they are up to 4/500 a night. It's absolutely Absurd!! You boys better not complain about what us providers are asking! We gotta pay to stay and play with y'all so you better make it to the Bank!!! Ladies are staying away cuz the overhead is too much!
i certainly understand. the rates hurt us too. we work away from home to try to make a living then get gouged by everyone in the area i.e. mechanics, tire shops, hotels, rv parks. That is not directed towards the ladies at all as yall are in the same boat as us.