Sharing accounts

redrobe's Avatar
I am running into more and more of the ladies that are sharing the same accounts. This seems to completely undermine a big part of what many of us use Eccie for. The lady using the account that week may or may not be the one that you wished to see. Also the lady that greets you may not the one the reviews were even written about.Brings up the question of if the person you are about to see is even safe. In my case the menu available in the reviews were not for the girl that was using the account that week. Am I the only one bothered by this and can Eccie do anything to try to stop the practice.
Call 'em out here.
raremonkey's Avatar
I've never run into that. this is interesting.
CryptKicker's Avatar
It violates ECCIE account security guidelines. You should PM me your info
redrobe's Avatar
The point was not to get anyone in trouble but simply make others aware of the situation. I have hopes that by way of simply getting the information out some will stop this type of activity. That said for some the light will never come on until caught. Case in point I was with a lady this week and she was complaining about the problems she was having with Eccie over fake reviews from people she had never seen and that the menu stated in the review was not hers. I asked if it could be because of the other lady using her account might do things and see people that she did not know about. The light just never came on. Another lady I was with was running an add stating she was in two other towns other than the one I was seeing her in at the same time I was seeing her. She said she had friends using her account. I tried to explain how dangerous that was on both sides but again the light never came on.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Again, you need to report this to a moderator. The possible danger of this goes both ways gents and ladies alike.
busternutzs's Avatar

Exactly how many ads and in how many subforums can a VP post per week including the weekend ad?
CryptKicker's Avatar
They are allowed to have 5 active ads in 5 separate forums in a rolling 7 day period. They are only allowed 1 weekend ad anywhere on the board each weekend. The weekend ad must include date(s) from Thursday-Sunday and the lady must be available in the area she advertises in. In West Texas we require them to show what city for the weekend ad due to the large area we encompass.
busternutzs's Avatar
So it they are sharing accounts and there are enough of them they could be in 5 cities or 6 if one of them travels to a different location for the weekend.
Tex9401's Avatar

[QUOTE=redrobe;1060541279]The point was not to get anyone in trouble but simply make others aware of the situation. I have hopes that by way of simply getting the information out some will stop this type of activity. That said for some the light will never come on until caught. Case in point I was with a lady this week and she was complaining about the problems she was having with Eccie over fake reviews
john_deere's Avatar
i’ll say it. coming out here and saying publicly that this is happening and not naming names… is bad enough and a total disservice to other members of this board, but not letting a moderator know is plainly traitorous.
busternutzs's Avatar
Have the Mods made any private inquires to the OP?
CryptKicker's Avatar
Have you ever known the mods in West Texas to tell you what we are doing before any action is made?
busternutzs's Avatar
Have you ever known the mods in West Texas to tell you what we are doing before any action is made? Originally Posted by CryptKicker
More top secret behind the scenes Mods work. I already knew that.

And to answer your question Yes.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Then maybe I should say have you ever had me tell you what we are doing ahead of time. Any answer besides no and you are being untruthful sir. We will handle this as we deem best.