Someone in El Paso is using my photos Kimberly Victoria

Karismatic_Kiley's Avatar
KIMBERLY (608) 999-9530 is using my photos on BP and Facebook

A girl is using my photos as well as others photos in this area and I'm not sure where else. I thought I had them watermarked and am searching everywhere to see where they might be without watermark.

I have reported them but I just didn't want anyone to be fooled.

busternutzs's Avatar
Why don't you call or text the girl and tell to stop using your pics?

It won't do you any good to report them to BP if that's where you made the report. BP won't pull the ad unless they have changed and doing something different.
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
Email support. Inform them you have copyright over these images and include your website address. They will remove them and block them from being used on that account again. The girl can always resale them as a different name and upload again but it will be costing her money each time.