Fucking liar.......................... ..look Americans straight in the face and just lie..................

"Nixon wire tapped one office; Obama has wire tapped a whole nation".....................
NSA 'secret backdoor' paved way to U.S. phone, e-mail snooping
Revelations in new document leaked by Edward Snowden appear to be at odds with privacy assurances from President Obama and other officials.


No way Obama wants Snowden back in US custody, lawyered up and with a press clamoring for interviews........don't believe the Obama hype. He is a proven liar.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, look at his background and training; muslim, socialist, lawyer
forgot "Democrat"......

Well, look at his background and training; muslim, socialist, lawyer Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You mean Dumbocrat!!!
NSA 'secret backdoor' paved way to U.S. phone, e-mail snooping
Revelations in new document leaked by Edward Snowden appear to be at odds with privacy assurances from President Obama and other officials.


No way Obama wants Snowden back in US custody, lawyered up and with a press clamoring for interviews........don't believe the Obama hype. He is a proven liar. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
He does not have time for this nonsense. He's been looking for that birth certificate and porking Reggie Love...
It's Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Now recognized by psychiatrists everywhere.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-18-2013, 06:25 PM
It's Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Now recognized by psychiatrists everywhere. Originally Posted by timpage
if the 4 stooges smear Obie bad enough maybe he wont be elected again.
RedLeg505's Avatar
if the 4 stooges smear Obie bad enough maybe he wont be elected again. Originally Posted by CJ7
You mean.. sorta like you liberal folks did with Bush during HIS second term? Funny how you forget that so quickly isn't it?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-18-2013, 08:10 PM
You mean.. sorta like you liberal folks did with Bush during HIS second term? Funny how you forget that so quickly isn't it? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Im not a liberal ... and nobody forgot how Bush got what he deserved.. there was no need to make up shit then, like the republitards do now
RedLeg505's Avatar
Im not a liberal ... and nobody forgot how Bush got what he deserved.. there was no need to make up shit then, like the republitards do now Originally Posted by CJ7
So.. Obama saying 9 days ago that no one was listening, and then CNN reports that the NSA testified that the analysts DO listen to the phone convesations.. is "made up shit"? LOL.. too funny. I suppose the IRS targeting conservative groups is also "made up shit' too?

And I love how you folks all start that "I'm not a liberal.. but I LURV me some OBAMA" stuff. Tell me CJ7, what, if anything has Obama done that you DON'T agree with and support?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-18-2013, 08:44 PM
So.. Obama saying 9 days ago that no one was listening, and then CNN reports that the NSA testified that the analysts DO listen to the phone convesations.. is "made up shit"? LOL.. too funny. I suppose the IRS targeting conservative groups is also "made up shit' too?

And I love how you folks all start that "I'm not a liberal.. but I LURV me some OBAMA" stuff. Tell me CJ7, what, if anything has Obama done that you DON'T agree with and support? Originally Posted by RedLeg505

the war and healthcare before the state of the economy

sure NSA listens ,,, but keywords trigger the listening

NSA has enough personnel , time and money to listen to every convo don't they ?
Im not a liberal ... and nobody forgot how Bush got what he deserved.. there was no need to make up shit then, like the republitards do now Originally Posted by CJ7

These fucktards are so far right everyone looks like a liberal to them ...
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Fucking liar.......................... ..look Americans straight in the face and just lie..................

"Nixon wire tapped one office; Obama has wire tapped a whole nation"..................... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
What about your Lie's- you are the true definition of RINO.
Let see you admitted you didn't vote for McCain in 2008- well who did you vote for?
You said you hated George W- so you probably didn't vote Republican in 2000 or 2004.
After a year making all sorts of trending claims for Romney- you committed the ultimate sin and admitted that if you voted or donated money to either Romney or Obama that you are part of the problem.
So did you even vote for Romney in 2012?

What's amazing is that you claim to be a libertarian yet you rarely if ever post any thread that is pro-libertarian and there are plenty of Libertarian politicians like Ron and Rand Paul and Gary Johnson.
So before you call anyone a liar- take a long look in the mirror.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Don't forget the made up shit on Benghazi or the made up shit about fast and furious, or the made up shit about keeping your same insurance, or the made up shit about no taxes for the middle class, or the made up shit about being the most transparent administration, or the made up shit...........