Its time for the adult community to step up

Litigate, Educate, Liberate!

Our courtcase sponsored by ESPLERP.ORG

In addition to our impact lawsuit challenging California's criminal code for enabling government intrusion into the private spheres of consenting adults, we continue to advocate against California regulations prohibiting erotic service providers from receiving Victim Compensation funds after an assailant is found guilty of sexually assaulting her or him. We also continue our campaign to provide individuals charged with prostitution and related crimes with a motion to dismiss charges when their circumstances warrant this option, and are about to embark on a wider campaign to a similar effect: educating public defenders on options for their clients other than accepting shoddy plea deals or diversion programs that ultimately do more harm than good.

Erotic service providers are targeted, arrested, stigmatized, and subjected to high levels of harassment and violence, often by police. And in November 2012, Proposition 35 became the law in California – a law-enforcement appropriation so toxic that the California legislature refused to propose it, so a small number of political vultures spent millions on propaganda to convince California voters that this was somehow good and necessary.

Prop 35 contains ZERO services for the so-called victims of sex trafficking. It does, however, lower the burden for law enforcement to violate the privacy of consenting adult Californians, throwing open bedroom doors all over the State for the government to intrude and incarcerate adults and minors – all under the guise of "rescue".

This, in addition to the fact that Prop 35 attempts to criminalize conduct that was already a crime under federal and state law. With the State under US Supreme Court orders to reduce its prison population down to 135% of capacity – that is, a prison system currently overburdened by much more than 135% – and with FBI "Operation Rescue" stings arresting adults and children at a rate to 8:1 (and minors being "rescued" by getting thrown into the criminal justice system) ... we have our work cut out for us.

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I agree, and good luck!