School is in session!

addicted2luna's Avatar
Ms. Luna needs your undivided attention

wyldthang1001's Avatar
CantBuyMeLove's Avatar
Am I the only one hearing Hot For Teacher running through their mind right now?
My attention is undivided......
Ms. Luna needs your undivided attention

501-278-4047 Originally Posted by addicted2luna
You got it
Rollypolly's Avatar
Love your eyes
I think I’m addicted! Can you move to Northwest Arkansas?!
tuckahoe's Avatar
You are easy to focus on!
ccriderridesagain's Avatar
I had a English teacher that reminds me of Luna, never
fell asleep in her class but I never learned anything
about English. She would sit on her desk and do a Sharon
Stone trick.
  • AgFox
  • 11-20-2024, 06:17 AM
I went to the wrong school.
wyldthang1001's Avatar
I went to the wrong school. Originally Posted by AgFox
Lol most of my teachers were 1,000,000 years old and very scary.. we occasionally had a student teacher that was attractive.. not Luna attractive though
I had a English teacher that reminds me of Luna, never
fell asleep in her class but I never learned anything
about English. She would sit on her desk and do a Sharon
Stone trick. Originally Posted by ccriderridesagain
She was legit fucking some of your classmates.
ccriderridesagain's Avatar
Lets not hijack Lunas thread, but yes, I'm sure
some were getting some of her. I'll remind you that
mini skirts were in at the time and her being
fresh from college, she sported some of the shortest.
My money is on Luna having a few of those herself.
Lets not hijack Lunas thread, but yes, I'm sure
some were getting some of her.
I'll remind you that
mini skirts were in at the time and her being
fresh from college, she sported some of the shortest.
My money is on Luna having a few of those herself. Originally Posted by ccriderridesagain
Luna doesn't mind. It keeps the thread bumped.
ccriderridesagain's Avatar
Luna doesn't mind. It keeps the thread bumped. Originally Posted by masstorts
Well, let's just bump it one more time. lol