Odumbo, et al, says "trust" Iran to honor its pledge. Meanwhile ...

I B Hankering's Avatar
Iran’s missile test was ‘a clear violation’ of U​​N​ sanctions says US ambassador

Samantha Power says US has confirmed that the ballistic missile launched on 10 October was ‘inherently capable of delivering a nuclear weapon’

Iran’s recent ballistic missile test was “a clear violation” of UN sanctions, and the United States will seek action from the security council, the US ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, said on Friday....

While condemning the ballistic missile test, the Obama administration made clear that it is “entirely separate” from the nuclear deal....

Odumbo, et al, are a bunch of fuckin' clowns.
Odumbo, et al, are a bunch of fuckin' clowns. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The REAL JV team shows it's incompetence once AGAIN !!!!
LexusLover's Avatar

"Odumbo, et al, says "trust" Iran to honor its pledge. ......"

Would you buy a used car from this guy ^^^^?

"Odumbo, et al, says "trust" Iran to honor its pledge. ......"

Would you buy a used car from this guy ^^^^? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Mr. Lurch "You Rang..." " Have I told you that I'm a Vietnam Veteran and ' war hero ' in the last 5 minutes" Kerry ! ANOTHER hero of woomby, Lil' cotex and Ekim the Inbred Chimp !
LexusLover's Avatar
Kerry ! ANOTHER hero of woomby, Lil' cotex and Ekim the Inbred Chimp ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and "assume" they have forgotten:

And that wasn't his "finest hour": September 11, 2001: CNN

LARRY KING: Senator Kerry did your -- did you committee on international operations and terrorism ever actually fear something like this?

SEN. JOHN KERRY (R), MASSACHUSETTS: Absolutely. Absolutely.

"We have always known this could happen. We've warned about it. We've talked about it. I regret to say, as -- I served on the Intelligence Committee up until last year. I can remember after the bombings of the embassies, after TWA 800, we went through this flurry of activity, talking about it, but not really doing hard work of responding."

Thank you Mr. Kerry, yet again, for being the good "steward" of our safety.

"We have always known this could happen."

"We" just neglected to tell the U.S. citizens!!!!