twitchy's harvard-harris poll on Trump analysis

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

In short, Dems should be TERRIFIED

the harvard-harris poll can be found in this link.

New polling out from Harvard-Harris has President Trump up 2 points since it’s last poll. That’s right. With every negative story out there about immigration and Russia, Trump is getting more popular.
LexusLover's Avatar

With every negative story out there about immigration and Russia, Trump is getting more popular. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
That's just one reason he won. Another one is ...

People are tired of the presstitutes and the Dims constantly crying wolf.

The economy's up, the unemployment rate is down and the market is up.

"I don't care, do you?" Really? #stopthebullying

The only thing the Dims are running on is paranoia.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
People are tired of the presstitutes and the Dims constantly crying wolf.

The economy's up, the unemployment rate is down and the market is up.

"I don't care, do you?" Really? #stopthebullying

The only thing the Dims are running on is paranoia. Originally Posted by gnadfly

all they have left are the fumes of paranoia and identity politics
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

"As his immigration policy of separating families at the border set off nationwide protests this weekend, Donald Trump took another hit in his approval rating. His average rating, as compiled by the data site FiveThirtyEight, dipped below 42 percent for the first time since June 15, while his negative number in the average of all polls rose to 52.3 percent, his highest disapproval since June 12."

I guess it depends on which poll you pick out.

Even Rasmussen, whom some believe to be the most accurate poll, has Trump -5 in the approval rating.
I guess it is a lot like the presidential election polls in 2016!!!
speaking loosely of polls

I have loved it in the past when the media's exit polls blow up in their face

leads the dumber dims to claim someone has messed with the voting machines
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I guess it is a lot like the presidential election polls in 2016!!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Excuse me. The OP is the one who initiated the discussion on polls.

Actually the polls of 2016 predicted Clinton to win the popular vote by about 2% and she won by 1.9%. The polls obviously erred in a few states, most notably Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
speaking loosely of polls

I have loved it in the past when the media's exit polls blow up in their face

leads the dumber dims to claim someone has messed with the voting machines Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I believe it was Mr. Trump who claimed that HE actually won the popular vote in 2016 but for voting irregularities.

"But on Sunday afternoon, Trump said on Twitter that he also would have won the popular vote — if a whole bunch of people had not voted illegally."

Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is our country today. Bullshit becomes reality.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I believe it was Mr. Trump who claimed that HE actually won the popular vote in 2016 but for voting irregularities.

"But on Sunday afternoon, Trump said on Twitter that he also would have won the popular vote — if a whole bunch of people had not voted illegally."

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

take out california's votes, Trump wins popular vote.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
take out california's votes, Trump wins popular vote. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
lol. I'm sure that anyone who ever lost an election can make a similar statement. "Just eliminate the votes that were cast for my opponent and I would have won." Had Clinton only won Texas she would have won the electoral vote.

The voting is what it was. Trump is POTUS.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
lol. I'm sure that anyone who ever lost an election can make a similar statement. "Just eliminate the votes that were cast for my opponent and I would have won." Had Clinton only won Texas she would have won the electoral vote.

The voting is what it was. Trump is POTUS. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
you do know that last time a Democrat took Texas was Jimmy Carter?

The last Democratic presidential candidate to win the state was Jimmy Carter in 1976. Previously, a Democrat had to win Texas to win the White House, but in the 1992 election, Bill Clinton won the Oval Office while losing Texas electoral votes

looks like Bill did what Hillary couldn't. win the White House without taking Texas.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
you do know that last time a Democrat took Texas was Jimmy Carter?

The last Democratic presidential candidate to win the state was Jimmy Carter in 1976. Previously, a Democrat had to win Texas to win the White House, but in the 1992 election, Bill Clinton won the Oval Office while losing Texas electoral votes

looks like Bill did what Hillary couldn't. win the White House without taking Texas. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I was using that as a silly example. Any politician can come up with ridiculous reasons why they lost. Losing the popular vote due to California being heavily Democratic. Obviously Hillary Clinton, or any other Democrat, winning Texas in 2016 was not going to happen.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I was using that as a silly example. Any politician can come up with ridiculous reasons why they lost. Losing the popular vote due to California being heavily Democratic. Obviously Hillary Clinton, or any other Democrat, winning Texas in 2016 was not going to happen. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

as far as Clinton winning Texas, yes. Texas does have the second highest electoral college numbers with California at the top of the list. So Texas is a key state.

funny how the Democrats love the rules, until the rules bite them in the ass. then they want the rules changed. lol

rigged? not exactly how i'd put it but that's Rolling Stone for you.

the electoral college does exactly what it was intended to do. Keep a handful of large cities from controlling the Presidential election.

this map shows who the Nation really wanted for President.

case closed.