How LOW can YOU go?

Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar

Help me understand this...

Some 500 pound dude named Brian just won the Miss Greater Deery USA beauty pagent for 2022. Can we say Jabba the Hutt look a like?

This wilder beast OF A MAN is considered a beautiful woman in 2022. I'm talking some serious gas lighting, delusion and mental illness on a societal level here folks.

This should tell you everything you need to know.

And that is that men are better at everything, and that includes being women.

Watch this video for more details and then comment below.
How dare you insult this lady, sir! I'll have you know she was also recently voted Provider of the Year on OH2!!!!
ahab11's Avatar
The USA is totally screwed up i'm just trying to figure out if I want to live out my life in Europe or Asia as I do not want to see what this Country has evolved to in another 10 years. The new wave of immigrants can have it after they buy all my stuff at very inflated prices of course.
playerplano's Avatar
Wait did they call it a BEAUTY contest ? If a dude is gonna win it should at least be a hot trans like in the videos ?
CG2014's Avatar
Just like some States are passing laws saying a person can only participate in the sports their gender on their birth certificate, time to pass laws requiring the same rules about beauty pageant.

The organizers of this pageant that allowed him to participate should all be shot.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
How dare you insult this lady, sir! I'll have you know she was also recently voted Provider of the Year on OH2!!!! Originally Posted by Anonymous01

Let the stampede begin!

Brian just posted an ad on OH2, $500 an hour charges by the pound.

And don't criticize Brian in any way because CK1942 has a warning sticky posted at the top of the thread in the men's locker room and will put you in time out...You know you get canceled for calling out the truth. Kind of like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

I understand though, CK1942 is just jealous and wants all the hotties for himself. Plus it's all in the name of equity right?

Welcome to clown world.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-11-2022, 02:12 PM
He can join the other fat whores charging high rates, some glamour pics and some cosmetic work and she can be a young fat traveling whore. Put the granny out of business
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
I saw the video when It won. The real females were all smiling and clapping and congratulating It. But how pathetic are those girls to actually be happy for IT or are they doing it so the WOKE crowd doesn't go after them and cancel them?

Imagine being the parents of those REAL females and shaking their heads in disbelief after tens of thousands of dollars and hours spent over years having their daughters competing.

We are no longer a superpower to be feared or envied.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar

The only way to win a rigged game is not to play.

Watch this video for more details and then comment below.
The other ladies were only cheering him on because they were afraid of being cancelled. Those of us who have not joined the psycho crowd need to start standing up and speaking the truth. You know the old saying all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Well it applies here. All it takes for insanity to flourish is for the sane people to say nothing.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Think of the irony for a moment...

The same ideology and political party that most of those women voted for was directly responsible for them getting their dreams crushed, being thrown under the bus and getting screwed. They were indoctrinated and sold a lie from kindergarten through ivy league university and they took the bait hook, line and sinker.

They obviously never read a history book or they would have realized that they were being used as the useful idiots and that eventually they always turn against themselves. Their delusional hamster lizard brains just can't except that fact or reality so they double down on the Titanic by pretending to be all excited and happy for Brian while emotionally and from within they are in disbelief and just totally crushed.

Their world is nothing but a lie sold to idiots who want to destroy everything decent and good. Their goal is to divide us, make everyone miserable, and ultimately hate one another. It is a pathology if allowed to continue will destroy America and the entire world.

Choke on it ladies and simps that's what you voted for, the worst of it is yet to come.

Watch this video for more details and then comment below.
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
I gotta know, how is their wallet doing?
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
I gotta know, how is their wallet doing? Originally Posted by LadyAnastasia
Kili's Avatar
  • Kili
  • 11-15-2022, 04:34 AM
you cant vote yourself out of tyranny.... but I don't think we are there just yet
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar

This just in...

I have confirmed from sources within the Congress that the five judges responsible for the Miss Greater Deery Beauty Pagent Winner and the selection of Brian Nguyen as Miss USA over all other contestants in post #1 are the pronouns loser, commie, psycho and traitor pictured above.

To find out who the fifth tie braking judge was click on the link above.