ISO short-term loan

Milenko's Avatar
I know this is an odd request to put here, but it's worth a shot...

I need to pay back a provider who lent me a couple thousand bucks. I know this is like borrowing from Patricia to pay Paulina, but I'm just being honest about the situation. She needs the money now, but it will still be a few weeks yet before I can pay her back.

I have collateral to back the loan and will offer a decent interest rate. Please PM if interested. Serious inquiries only. Thanks.
winn dixie's Avatar
Wonder how this pans out....... Please keep us posted
chitowntransplant69's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
LOL Well played Chitown!!
You're hoping to borrow money on a fuck site in order to repay someone else already stupid enough to loan you money.

If you can't repay her loan then why the fuck would you think anyone here would be stupid enough to take her place?

A hooker who loans a John money. Now that's a first.

Milenko's Avatar
If you can't repay her loan then why the fuck would you think anyone here would be stupid enough to take her place? Originally Posted by Lightesttouch
I think you misread the request. I can easily pay her back, just not right this moment when she happens to need it. She didn't specify how soon she needed it back, but when I went to repay it a week after I borrowed it, she said she didn't need it back immediately... so I kept it longer.

Anyway, if I had to, I could just sell one of my classic cars, but I would rather put it up as collateral on a loan. I'm just not willing to pay a 132% APY or whatever fucking astronomical interest rate that a title loan place would offer. While selling a car is still an option... have you ever tried to sell a good car in a hurry? I would rather pay a few hundred in interest than end up losing a few thousand by settling on a low-ball offer just because I didn't have enough time to find the right buyer.

As for a tradional bank loan... I tried that route. Bankers just look at you funny when you're a middle-aged man, who owns a home and several vehicles, but literally doesn't even have a credit score because you've never ever... ever used credit in your entire life lol. Apparently being financially responsible and using your hard-earned cash to buy things instead of relying on credit doesn't qualify you for a loan. They must think I won't make a very good debt-slave if I haven't already become a debt-slave at this point in my life.
winn dixie's Avatar
Me thinks I smell? I do I do smell B/S...........!!
Apparently being financially responsible Originally Posted by Milenko
I mean, except for that teensy eensy weensy time you borrowed two Gs from a provider.

Britttany_love's Avatar
As for a tradional bank loan... Apparently being financially responsible and using your hard-earned cash to buy things instead of relying on credit doesn't qualify you for a loan. They must think I won't make a very good debt-slave if I haven't already become a debt-slave at this point in my life. Originally Posted by Milenko
I don't see how one can claim to be financially responsible yet you had to ask a hooker to lend you thousands of dollars. I pay cash for lots of things, choose not to have crazy amounts of credit cards, have a good credit union, have a new car financed with a low interest rate, pay taxes etc and I have a good credit score. I call bs on not having a credit score. It reads more like you have a bad credit score and clearly no bank or institution will consider giving you a loan since you are a huge liability. You are clearly living beyond your means and coming here asking someone else to fix your problem is crazy. You claim to have a house and multiple classic cars, you took a loan from someone.. man up sell a car, take a car loan..etc it's your fault you are in the position. If you originally had the money you should have given it to her regardless if she needed it then.. clean your hands of it. Clearly you spent it otherwise you wouldn't be in this situation still. This showing again how irresponsible you are.
Milenko's Avatar
LOL Well played Chitown!! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Well played indeed! Lmfao that episode is fucking hilarious!!!

I expected some humorous responses, but that one is epic! As it relates to my post though, I'm not worried about any repercussions of not paying, other than a horribly guilty conscience. The provider doesn't know my last name, where I live or work, or anything else about me. If I were to block her phone number, I would never hear about that money again for the rest of my life...

BUT I'm an honest guy, which is probably why she trusted me enough to lend me the money in the first place. I will pay her back, sooner or later, so if anyone wants to help me make it sooner, then there's some money in it for you...
Milenko's Avatar
I mean, except for that teensy eensy weensy time you borrowed two Gs from a provider.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Originally Posted by zerodark13
I don't see how one can claim to be financially responsible yet you had to ask a hooker to lend you thousands of dollars. Originally Posted by Britttany_love
Yes, that was not responsibe to keep the money longer than I needed it. HOWEVER, I did not actually ask her to borrow it. I really was just telling her about this toy I really wanted but couldn't quite afford just yet. We were honestly just making small talk and that's what was on my mind at the time. She actually just said that she wanted me to have it and that she would lend me the money for it. I was not expecting that in the least bit, but it sure as hell was what I wanted to hear!

And knowing that it was a loan, I would have budgeted better to have the money ready when it was due, but I had no due date to prepare for! I made up my own due date, which is about a month from now, and that's what I had been planning for up until a few days ago when she suddenly decided that she needed it.
Bobave's Avatar
Milenko's Avatar
I call bs on not having a credit score. It reads more like you have a bad credit score Originally Posted by Britttany_love
I have a recent denial letter from a creditor stating "No credit score" as the reason for deniaI, if you really want to see it. I did stretch the truth just a little on never ever using credit though. I did finance a car when I was 18 and stopped paying when it broke down 5 months later. That doesn't show up on my credit report because it was like 20 years ago. The lesson from that experience was that if I would have ended up paying $5,000 for a piece of shit car that was worth maybe $1,000 tops. Even if I could get better terms on a different car that ran better, I thought "why would I ever pay more for something just to get it a few months sooner?"

The next 2 vehicles I bought after that cost me $300 each and lasted about 6 months each. During that year, I saved up $1,000 for a decent car that lasted a few years. During those years, I saved a shit-ton of money by not having a car note to pay every month. That allowed me to continue in this pattern to present day. The last car I bought was $15,000 cash. I had the title in my name being sent to me the next day and I don't owe a dime on it. That's what I mean by being financially responsible. I drive MY car, not the bank's car. I live in MY house, not the bank's house or the landlord's house.

I guess this credit thing works for a lot of people. It's just not for me. I never would have taken that provider's money either if she said anything about paying interest, but she didn't and still hasn't asked for anything more than what she gave me. This is the first time in 20 years I've considered paying interest in order to meet a fincial obligation. I sure as hell don't NEED anyone's help on this, but if someone wants to make some easy money in exchange for making my life a little easier right now, then maybe we can work something out...
Samcro84's Avatar
So you could pay her back and chose not too based on fact she did not need it. So how can we think you would pay us back. Wow I guess you don't pay anyone since most don't need it.

If you have to borrow that small amount from her, I would consider you a credit risk. Since you are seeing her, paying her and basically broke.
