Lindsey Graham: Biden made the Republicans look like Fucking Idiots

  • Tiny
  • 06-25-2021, 12:10 PM
That's the headline in Politico today:

Eleven moderate Republicans and ten moderate Democrats come up with an infrastructure bill. Both sides give a lot. Biden supports it enthusiastically.

Then today he he pulls the rug out from under them by saying he's not going to sign the bill unless he also gets another one that incorporates the Progressives' wish list, preferably all $3 trillion of it.

I don't really understand the Politico article, maybe keener political minds like SpeedRacer's will. Here's an editorial from the Wall Street Journal that makes more sense,

Instant Bipartisan Double Cross

Biden and Pelosi hold a Senate deal hostage to the rest of their agenda.

Politicians in Washington renege on their bipartisan promises all the time, but what are we to make of a deal in which one side admits it is pulling a bait and switch from the start? That was the astonishing news Thursday as President Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi endorsed a bipartisan Senate infrastructure deal even as they said the price of their support is getting the rest of their agenda too.

Mr. Biden stood with five Democratic and five Republican Senators at the White House and endorsed their trillion-dollar infrastructure outline. Back-slapping and self-plaudits all around. But two hours later the President said he won’t sign the infrastructure bill unless the Senate also passes the other $3 trillion or more he has proposed in tax increases and multiple new entitlement programs.

“What we agreed on today is what we could agree on. The physical infrastructure. There’s no agreement on the rest,” Mr. Biden said. “If this is the only thing that comes to me, I’m not signing it.” Mrs. Pelosi issued the same ultimatum: “We will not take up a bill in the House until the Senate passes the bipartisan bill and a reconciliation bill” (that could pass without GOP support).

Most politicians at least wait a decent interval to pull a double cross. But Mrs. Pelosi and Mr. Biden are trying to prevent a revolt on the left. So they are now holding a bipartisan deal hostage to the left’s demands. This is political blackmail aimed at Democrats like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema who are part of the bipartisan Senate Gang of 10: Unless they sign on to all of the progressive tax-and-spend agenda, they won’t get their bipartisan deal. And Mr. Biden and progressives will blame them for the failure.

This is remarkable bad faith even for Washington. We’ll have more to say about the details of the bipartisan deal as they emerge. But Thursday’s comments make clear this exercise isn’t bipartisan at all. The Pelosi-Biden political goal is to use this Senate deal as leverage to jam through the rest of their progressive wish list.

The question is why Senate Republicans would sign on to this deal when they are being told to their faces they’ll be double-crossed. Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell expressed appropriate doubt due to the bait and switch late Thursday. Some Republicans hope the bipartisan deal will make it harder to pass a reconciliation bill by taking away the popular infrastructure bits. But unless Republicans know that Mr. Manchin or other Democrats won’t support a Pelosi reconciliation bill, that hope appears to have died on Thursday.
Chickenshit politics, it's the way biden and Pelosi and all the dipshits do business, they have no shame .....
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Clearly the Dim party is fracturing. If they can't go with what their negotiating team came up with, then they get nothing.

I have to admit I may have been wrong in other posts where I thought that Zombiden's lame duck presidency would start after the midterm elections.
Instead his lame duck presidency has already started
lustylad's Avatar
Fucking dim-retards are incapable of compromise. 30 years ago these assholes at least understood that half a loaf beats nothing. Now it's all or nothing, my way or the highway, 100% of the time. Fuck 'em. Flip Manchin and Sinema and leave 'em with squat.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Clearly the Dim party is fracturing. If they can't go with what their negotiating team came up with, then they get nothing.

I have to admit I may have been wrong in other posts where I thought that Zombiden's lame duck presidency would start after the midterm elections.
Instead his lame duck presidency has already started Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
If you say so.
Let them keep setting the precedent that this sort of behavior is acceptable. When they fuck up 2022 and 2024, they'll get absolutely steamrolled and we'll undo all their shit with the same disregard that they did to us.
HedonistForever's Avatar
As predicable as rain every summer afternoon in Miami. Nothing will help the Republican party more than Democrats being true to themselves. Keep it up, please.
winn dixie's Avatar
watching the dim party sheet all over is funny. 2022 will be a blood bath
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the new new democrats think they are something special when they pull a bait n' switch.

they need to be careful of this, looks like they don't give a shit when they get a jeffords fiasco poked in their eye.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
watching the dim party sheet all over is funny. 2022 will be a blood bath Originally Posted by winn dixie
2/3 control of house & senate sounds nice
rexdutchman's Avatar
We are being "conditioned " to believe the BS
winn dixie's Avatar
watching the dim party sheet all over is funny. 2022 will be a blood bath Originally Posted by winn dixie
2/3 control of house & senate sounds nice Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The Senate in my opinion is "iffy" in 22. But I like The Republicans chances.
The House will be like Newts tidal wave victory. dims have all but conceded loss here!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Senate in my opinion is "iffy" in 22. But I like The Republicans chances.
The House will be like Newts tidal wave victory. dims have all but conceded loss here! Originally Posted by winn dixie
What leads you to that conclusion?

The amount of voter suppression laws passed in red states?
winn dixie's Avatar
What leads you to that conclusion?

The amount of voter suppression laws passed in red states? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Making elections safer equals suppression?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Safer for whom?