Dems Break Ranks And Support Ammending Obamacare

Apparently there are a lot of Dems wanting to get on record, 39 to be exact. Interestingly, I don't think the Dems read this law either, despite it being what, a page long? The law basically says that not only can you keep your current policy, insurance companies can go back to selling these plans to anyone that wants to purchase them, thus, repealing what is fundamental to Obamacare. Or maybe they did read it and wanted to repeal it? It will be interesting to see what the Senate does.

"The House measure went one step further. It would give insurance firms the ability to sell individual plans to new as well as existing customers, even if the coverage falls short of the law's requirements."
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  • CJ7
  • 11-15-2013, 06:14 PM
said it before, and I'll say it again ... if you cant afford ins, and use a subsidy to purchase ins, your ins policy should meet the requirements of the law as written

if you want a policy that has a spending cap and doesn't accept pre existing conditions then by all means, go buy one
Another object in futility like shutting down the government by trying to defund obamacare. it will go nowhere.
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  • CJ7
  • 11-15-2013, 06:24 PM
Another object in futility like shutting down the government by trying to defund obamacare. it will go nowhere. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
the house has passed over 40 bills to kill ACA ... now that its postponed they cant bitch loud or long enough..

and they wonder why they cant win a election
I said it before and I'll say it again: Obama lied and shut down the government for a fundamentally flawed program that he would not negotiate on.

This is all Drama Obama political theater. Obama doesn't want those plans to exist and he's just crying crocodile tears.
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  • CJ7
  • 11-15-2013, 06:28 PM
I said it before and I'll say it again: Obama lied and shut down the government for a fundamentally flawed program that he would not negotiate on.

This is all Drama Obama political theater. Obama doesn't want those plans to exist and he's just crying crocodile tears. Originally Posted by gnadfly
congress shut down the government ... duuuuurrrrrr

said it before and I'll say it again, pay attention
the house has passed over 40 bills to kill ACA ... now that its postponed they cant bitch loud or long enough..

and they wonder why they cant win a election Originally Posted by CJ7
The dynamic is slightly different now, don't you think? The previous bills didn't have 39 Dems voting for destroying Obamacare, did they?
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  • CJ7
  • 11-15-2013, 06:35 PM
The dynamic is slightly different now, don't you think? The previous bills didn't have 39 Dems voting for destroying Obamacare, did they? Originally Posted by nwarounder
so it takes 39 dems to make you bitch louder and longer?

who knew?
How about political reality.

Remember, to the typical moron voter back home, all he knows is something is screwd up, and the guy in office, this time a Democrat, voted for it.

This is just another sleaze bag political trick. They can all say, "I am in record as trying to fix this mess", knowing that that nothing will get fixed because the President will simply veto anything that come out of The House.

The House minority leader knows exactly who is vulnerable. She will let these "jump ship" for the big show, knowing it means nothing.

But their brain dead constituents will say, "our man was for us", and just vote him, or her, right back in.

Then, it will be back to business as usual.
so it takes 39 dems to make you bitch louder and longer?

who knew? Originally Posted by CJ7
Bitch no, LMFAO, yes
bambino's Avatar
so it takes 39 dems to make you bitch louder and longer?

who knew? Originally Posted by CJ7
You're not very bright are you?
How about political reality.

Remember, to the typical moron voter back home, all he knows is something is screwd up, and the guy in office, this time a Democrat, voted for it.

This is just another sleaze bag political trick. They can all say, "I am in record as trying to fix this mess", knowing that that nothing will get fixed because the President will simply veto anything that come out of The House.

The House minority leader knows exactly who is vulnerable. She will let these "jump ship" for the big show, knowing it means nothing.

But their brain dead constituents will say, "our man was for us", and just vote him, or her, right back in.

Then, it will be back to business as usual. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I'm hoping the bill makes it thru the House. Anyone willing to bet that Reid never picks it up?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
"Ammending" it only makes it easier for fruitcakes like you to pay more and get less, if that what your FREEDOM TO CHOOSE" demands.

Knock yourselves out. House could have been unanimous. Senate is a different story.

I've got mine. You got yours dipshits?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-15-2013, 09:13 PM
Bitch no, LMFAO, yes Originally Posted by nwarounder
another house bill, yes, LMFAO.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
where's Ted Cruz now that you really need him?