Proposals and Pre-Nups

australian_hell_yun's Avatar
I’m here in Australia enjoying my last week. Friday night “a mate” I’ve known for over 40 years popped the bloody to his soon to be 2nd wife. Now, here’s the bloody kicker. He’s 47 and she’s 32 with three kids.

So after all the excitement and “WTFs” and “WTHs” are you doing we pulled him to the side. Well, come to find out that she’s not pregnant “thank god”—he got cut 5 years ago. Now, my friend is successful businessman and played his hand well. Prior to the prosal, she was informed that a prenuptial agreement would be signed. “Good for him”. With No legal adoption of her three children, no rights to house and property and a few other items.

I did the same with my first wife. I played it smart as well. Growing up on the ranch, another house was built by my parents as a gift adjacent from the main house. All vehicles, cattle and horses were bought under the Ranch Corporation and I was salaried by the ranch. “Basically I played my cards right Incase of a marital catastrophe.

Well, she walked away with No house, a 2007 Jeep Rubicon, the clothes that she had and some cash. “That’s what’s happens when you cheat on the aussie”

Now, the Aussie turns 47 next year and will do the same thing again.

If I ever decide to marry, her kids have to be dependent, have jobs and they won’t mooch off the Aussie.

Thank God for Lawyers and pre-nups
1) don't get married again. Its pointless. Its a license that the Gov wants you to have that makes you financially responsible for someone else's messy life.

If you die and you want to leave your S.O. taken care of, you make her your designated beneficiary on all docs. Especially in La.
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
1) don't get married again. Its pointless. Its a license that the Gov wants you to have that makes you financially responsible for someone else's messy life.

If you die and you want to leave your S.O. taken care of, you make her your designated beneficiary on all docs. Especially in La. Originally Posted by CRISTY-CUPPS
I don’t foresee the Aussie ever getting married again. A lot of young women get pregnant at an early age by not using birth control or they’ve met the wrong bloke. There an ole saying “if you you pick up shit your hands will get dirty” The Aussie will not clean someone else’s mess up.

I was recently seeing a shiela not to long ago. She was 40 with one son age 17 No guidance from his father or mother, recluses himself in his room to play video games. I was at her house and she asked me to cut her grass. I told her NO, she had a “Physically unfit kid” that needed the exercise. Her comment was that he never had to do chores. I replied, I’ll teach him. Well all hell broke loose after that and never saw her again.

I grew up on a ranch in Australia, at age 5, I was getting up at 0430, cleaning the chicken coops, feeding the animals and when that was done the ranch hands made me a set of stairs some I could get on my horse and find my dad.

Kids these days have it to easy.

As for getting married, I have to much to lose financially. I am partnered in a business and have my two grown sons in college that take up my time. They will always come first before my “2nd wife” if I ever get married again.

My ole man always said “If you’re gonna dance, you’ll have to pay the fiddler” I payed the fiddler once, I really don’t care to dance anymore.
I would sign one... That is not why I would ever marry anyway.
I prefer to not get married at this point in my life. I am happy just the way things are. Not willing to share half of my anything with anyone. you have yours and I have mine. Good enough for me.

annie@christophers's Avatar
Run! Run! Run!


pyramider's Avatar
If you posted titty and taint photos the proposals will come pouring in.
I know very few happily married couples. I know a lot of staying together for the kids couples. I know a lot of my life is hell but she will take me to the cleaners couples. I know a lot of she quit fucking and sucking a few years after we married couples.

I am 46 never married never had children and couldn't be happier.
Every guy should get married at least once to fully understand once you are older, why people were telling you not to do it in the first place.

Sometimes when you are younger......You don't know, what you don't know. Life is a hard lesson.....that's why it's important to PAY ATTENTION............ijs...... ..
Don't see anything wrong with getting married just be very smart who your partner is. I've been married for 20 years with a woman that makes just as much money as I do. She has her nest egg and I have mine. The only other asset is the house, she can have it but we'll probably sell and split the money. Even raised two kids through it all and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Point being! SHES A WOMAN!!.

Sooooo glad to hear this .. absolutely faboulous!!
Xxoo annie
Wiley64's Avatar
Run! Run! Run!


NEVER AGAIN.. LOL Originally Posted by annie@christophers
Don’t know Annie, the taintmaster (pyramider) and you might make an interesting couple.
Happy Thanksgiving
pyramider's Avatar
Annie could not keep up with the tainted pleasures she would be dealing with ...
NoTell's Avatar
Pre-nups worked for me. But, there is no reason to get married ever.
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
I’ll never bloody do it again. To much bullshit when they have f-up children and daddy wasn’t there to raise them.

I can’t stand candy ass kids, especially those who seclude themselves in a room to play video games.