Zenovia's Avatar
My itinerary for things to do and people to see was wonderfully planned and very welcoming.
The info shared by both ladies & gents, very admirable and very helpful. Know you are highly appreciated!!
My lovely Louisiana folks, please forgive me, I must delay my trip until I am better.
I have waited to the very last minute to mention a the hopes of a change, but seems my body needs more time to heal.
The first impression will not be, watery eyes, itchy raspy voice and a nose with a mind of its own. Not to mention the safety of new found friends. Yesssss I honestly do care for your well being as much as mine.

First impression will be one of bright,healthy, sensual TLC with no coughing in between you know what I mean.

I will definitely keep you posted on new dates
Happy Holidays Dahh~lings
Keep warm keep healthy

Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
You feel better love!!
Happy holidays!
No matter how sexy and talented a persinn is its hard to mKe a runny red nose attractive..
  • A1.
  • 12-11-2018, 05:21 PM
Zenovia's Avatar
Thank you Ms Foxx and happy holidays too you as well beautiful

Exactly my thoughts Majichands, love being nasty but not that kind of nastythank you dahh~ling

A1 mucho gracias, i sincerely appreciate your warm wishes.

See you guys after recovery