Dealing With Haters

Fast Gunn's Avatar
How do you deal with the inevitable haters that pop up in your life?

In my youth, I was always shaken up that someone who just yesterday seemed to be a good friend had suddenly become my enemy and for no discernible reason and without explanation given.

My approach then was always to try to explain to them thinking that surely once they saw the light, the hate would go away.

Well, guess what?

That approach hardly every worked!

. . . I think navigating through life is analogous to walking a tight-rope and for extra drama you often you have to do it blind-folded!

You make one little innocent slip and all hell breaks loose!

Now, I think there will always be haters and there is nothing much you can do about it, but give them room if possible or be prepared to stand your ground if they give you no other option.

I spray them with a can of dial-tone! Booyah!
I was/am a loner, and the smart girl so I was used to people befriending me out of the blue thinking I would help them cheat. But when I didn't I was instantly 'unfriended'.

Not hanging around a bunch of girls, and having mostly guy friends, I didn't develop that catty, passive aggressive nature that a lot of girls have. I'm very logical, and one thing about logic, you can't argue with it. So hate me, but it's not going to do you any good.

Plus I live by the Serenity prayer. If I can't change it, I accept it and move on.
I flush them out of my life. If they can't stay loyal, then they're gone. It seems that women fit into this category far more than men, and especially in the demimonde.
I love HATE. It keeps me humble and alert. It's my yang to my yin! I'd like to think I could do without it, but it fuels me to higher levels (outside of my own personal FLAWS). Gawd, I hate my flaws!!!

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Im allergic to drama...It can be difficult to deal with people who hate for what seems to be no reason at all. Try to keep in mind all the people who love and respect you - and they know you a lot better than the haters! If people have nothing better to do than upset other people for fun... they must have the most miserable lives.

We shouldn't forget why we are here
kindgentleman's Avatar
Stay far away from hate. When somebody hates on you, go out and love on somebody who cares about you. That energy will come back as love. If you waste energy hating the haters you only going to get back more hate. Protect yourself from psychic vampires/parasites they will always end up hating you once they know that you know their games. Of course all of this is easier said that done.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The fundamental fact is that hatred is an evil emotion. I think the only ones who would disagree would be the tyrants and madmen of the world.

However, in my youth, I discovered how quickly you could respond with hatred and sometimes the people would back off and you would feel justified.

Pretty soon you create a feed-back loop without even realizing it and the hatred grows in breadth and intensity.

Some countries seem to thrive on hatred alone.

Later on in life, I realized how corrosive hatred really is to your soul, your friends and to your life in general.

. . . Now, I catch a hate attack at the front door and it gets no further, but many people, maybe most people have not reached that point or refuse to bar entrance. A minor injustice will suffice to raise their ire and direct their vile at you at the drop of a hat.

Hate does give you an adrenalin boost and maybe that is the initial attraction.

. . . Some places seem to breed more hatred than others. People living in slums seem to have more hatred than more educated people, but it's still there, but often more disguised and better justified.

Wakeup's Avatar
I think that when I see haters I start a multicolored thread about how to deal with haters...

Then I bitch about them in blue...because blue is cool...

Because they're green with envy...and I think they have no idea I'm really talking bad about them in a roundabout way

Because passive aggressive is awesome. ..

pyramider's Avatar
Those were some pretty colors.

But these might work out better.

In order to show the proper amount of crap.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You're just yanking our chain, aren't you?

No one in their right mind loves hate.

. . . Are you just off your rocker?

I love HATE. It keeps me humble and alert. It's my yang to my yin! I'd like to think I could do without it, but it fuels me to higher levels (outside of my own personal FLAWS). Gawd, I hate my flaws!!!

LOL Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
You're just yanking our chain, aren't you?

No one in their right mind loves hate.

. . . Are you just off your rocker?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
It's like 'pain', they both bring 'pleasure'. And, yes, haven't you seen my posts? Is that an intelligent Q. Everyone knows mijo is just a degree off and that's what makes me an awesome FUCK and BFE!!!
pickupkid's Avatar
Screw Em
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-29-2012, 10:55 PM
Personnally, I don't hate anyone, I may dispise a few, but there is a difference. I much prefer to fuck with them, and expose them as the arrogant, condisending, buttwipes they truly are.....LOL
Personnally, I don't hate anyone, Originally Posted by seedman55
Me either. That would mean I had feelings for them.