The Men's Room Vs. Lifetime Access - one reviewers

Scribe's Avatar
Greetings Mods, Scribe here...

There's a weird debate in the Men's Room (weird commentary on a thread) about "fake accounts" and if someone is truly "What they claim to be".

Right off - I can already see the issues; as nothing said anywhere is private anymore... (Hey, wanna laugh - there's a recent Youtube video floating around from Julie Swetnick's old TV reporter boyfriend who worked in Washington and is questioned about "leaks"... he says "What do you mean LEAKS??, there's no such thing as LEAKS! ANY sense that ANYTHING remains unknown in Washington or by the media anymore is a farce! EVERYTHING LEAKS!" lol) I know, no system is going to be "perfect" and in some cases "WhiteKnight's" would still tell everything they read to whomever...

But it appears there are the following:
  • Long term "lifetime Premium Access" account holders who have either never done a review, or have done one MANY years ago.
  • New member's with only a single review.
...and these are where the questionable commentary seems to arise from.

...maybe, while "Premium access" can give you benefits... The "Men's Room" should be for more "active hobbyists"? I would challenge that if you are in there without a review in years, causing a ruckus... that maybe your "premium Membership" is nothing more than a license to Troll... or that you have failed to prove any validity to your position on matters discussed within.

I think they can still do that on Co-ed and Sandlot, without Men's Room access.

Just my 2 cents...

\Love the site, love the discussions, and always try my best to encourage good, polite discourse.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
It is true that anyone should be allowed to be a member and post freely on this site, within the guidelines of course, but the site itself is really for guys who hobby and ladies that provide, not for people to lurk, cyberstalk, bully, harrass, troll and gang up on others nor to ask for info while not providing any. This is an info EXCHANGE site, not an info GATHERING site.

By the way, this is the totally wrong forum to debate this topic, but since you brought it up: The once in a blue moon hobbyists and worse yet, the guys that have the lifetime premium access and maybe the see providers, maybe they don't, but the certainly do not review, are the ones that do not need to be on this site. And, don't forget about the guys that are on here for shits and grins, let them have a membership, but access to only certain forums so that they can play with each other, and let the more frequent hobbyists and providers keep full access.