Please put location in your reviews

Regnar2005's Avatar
I don't post much, and I rarely stray from my usual providers but when I do I have to dig through so many reviews that its difficult. If you really enjoy your girl and you provide a review, please put the city location in the header. Nothing like seeing a great header to find out the girl is several hours away.
Rant over
dj8rocks's Avatar
Moved to Coed. dj8
RickForFun's Avatar
Good suggestion, but Hell, we can't even get the providers to post which city they are visiting. That is even more frustrating to see a great provider ad and have to dig around to find out she is in a Tennessee city 400 miles away.
SlowHand50's Avatar
Good suggestion, but Hell, we can't even get the providers to post which city they are visiting. That is even more frustrating to see a great provider ad and have to dig around to find out she is in a Tennessee city 400 miles away. Originally Posted by RickForFun
It drives me absolutely batty when they do this. The shape of Tennessee's borders means the major cities are spread widely, so to speak. It's marketing, folks. Tell 'em WHERE.