Publishing your provider phone number

I've been contemplating whether or not to publish my provider phone number on my ads, showcase, and website.

It seems that a lot of ladies do this.

Guys, do you tend to contact via pm or email first before phone or do you prefer to contact by phone?

Ladies, do you require screening info via phone or do you ask them to email you with the info?

Ladies, do you find you're busier by posting your phone number?

Ladies, do you find you get a lot of inappropriate texts and/or calls?

I'm just tossing around the idea and wanted to get some opinions.

Thanks a bunch for your help.

tonytiger4u's Avatar
I like phone numbers. I travel a lot last minute and rarely have more than a day notice of where I'll be. Email and PM can take too long to respond to and the opportunity is gone. I prefer initial contact via text message. I know many ladies don't like texts. I don't blame them but it works for me. If texts go well then I'll ask to call, etc. When a ladies' phone is blowing up during a session it is kind of a turn off.
Well, IMHO, the lady should be explicit in the way she likes to first be contacted. Some are email only; some are text; some are phone...but it should be up to the lady.

Personally, I prefer email, but I'll do what the lady says. My least favorite is talking on the phone.

I also think there is an inherent safety issue with publishing your phone number. Especially with some of the stalkers out there.

You might want to take a look at this comment:
charles, that is a great thread. One of my fave providers out there posts her number all over... and when she posts ads on BP, when BP is so strict about not linking your website on ads, etc, that she can just post her phone # and they can do a search on her and find all her reviews. I have been wanting to have my number searchable for instances like that.

I just wanted to get a feel for how many ladies prefer the phone number thing.

I may try it out and see how it goes.
I like phone numbers. I travel a lot last minute and rarely have more than a day notice of where I'll be. Email and PM can take too long to respond to and the opportunity is gone. I prefer initial contact via text message. I know many ladies don't like texts. I don't blame them but it works for me. If texts go well then I'll ask to call, etc. When a ladies' phone is blowing up during a session it is kind of a turn off. Originally Posted by tonytiger4u

I don't always have access to e mails right away and I like to get back to gentlemen in a very timely manner, so I do state that calling me is actually the best way to set up an appointment. Since I started working, I have always posted my phone as well as my e mail in my ad. I know several girls though who don't give the phone number until an e mail rapport has been established. But as Tony said going back and forth sometimes with e mails and PMs can be too time-consuming. Phone for me is the direct route to go .

And I ALWAYS turn off my phone during a session. Just common sense and courtesy.
gimme_that's Avatar
I usually consilidate everything I want and need from her as fat as date and time in an email first. Then right after I send the email I call her and leav e a vmail and text if she doesn't answer. I do this mostly if I have to book her fast that same day.

I actually prefer email contact first usually. The reason I send the email first is because it knocks the business side of the phonecall out mostly and we can focus on comfortability, confirmation, and a litttle pleasure. The only time I focus on rate and time is when I notice she doesn't offer the time and rate for it availiable.

I don't like calling first because then I would have to answer a question by question list of what she needs to screen......whereas in the email I send what I'm comfortable with. I feel like by the time we talk she should bee confirming the time I want to book, or confiming I'm screened by reference, etc. Or merely just telling me she has received the email and is going forward through the process.
I don't do anything on my phone. Call for a room number every now and again. I didn't even have a hobby phone for two months (lost the little bastard in my car) and it didn't cause a single problem. If you want to do it, go for it, but I hate being tethered by a machine and I feel like if I had to answer work calls all the time I would go nuts.
jaydalee's Avatar
I've been contemplating whether or not to publish my provider phone number on my ads, showcase, and website.

It seems that a lot of ladies do this.

Guys, do you tend to contact via pm or email first before phone or do you prefer to contact by phone?

Ladies, do you require screening info via phone or do you ask them to email you with the info?

Ladies, do you find you're busier by posting your phone number?

Ladies, do you find you get a lot of inappropriate texts and/or calls?

I'm just tossing around the idea and wanted to get some opinions.

Thanks a bunch for your help.

Annie Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie
When I first started advertising on the internet I had my number posted.
I used to receive too many calls were the guys were timewasters or just wanted to talk.Many of the times I would be out or around people and could not talk so email is better for me.I am just as busy as an email only provider as I was when I had my number posted.I have found not having my number posted weeds out a lot of guys who are not serious.

I have taken my number off of all my ads and I am an Email Only provider and I much prefer this way better.
Being email only I can return an email very fast and it is more convenient because the guy has provided his reference info.Even though I am email only I do require a short phone conversation before meeting new friends.
I have found this method works better for me than publishing my phone number.
Just my .02
I used to post my number but got too many time wasters, crank calls, and other undesirables blowing up my. Now I get initial contact by email, pm and p411 request and only give number after screening.
I don't publish my number at all. I only give it out after screening and ask my dates to not give my number to ANYONE including to providers for references. I keep it on DND unless I am actually working and that is only 1-2 days a week. Sometimes I have my phone off for weeks at a time so you could be waiting a really long time for a reference. When I first started I did post it but I quickly realized that I was wasting way to much time talking to time wasters, weirdos, stalkers and perverts.
It also causes a world of drama when guys don't cover their tracks. When wives or girlfriends Google the number on their SO's phone and they discover your a working girl it usually ends badly. There's not much you can do when the evidence is right there on the computer monitor. For me it was nothing but a great big headache. This is what works for me, I don't do last minute appts unless I have previously met the gentleman anyways.
simpleton's Avatar
I know of a provider I sent a pm to from this site and the p411 site and I didn't get a response. Then I filled out her form on her website and got a weird response. She apologized for not being able to see me the night before.And asked if I wanted an apt. that night. I explained to her, in her comment section, on her form, on her website that I was traveling to her city from this date to this date. So I responded to her email and explained I'm not there yet and won't be there until this date and staying until this date. My schedule is flexible and can meet her anytime during my stay. Guess what? I never heard back from her. Dudes aren't the only time wasters. I wouldn't see her now if she was free. Well I would see her if she was free but you get the point. Whatever you choose to do just make sure you handle your business and you'll be fine.
pyramider's Avatar
I used to post my number but got too many time wasters, crank calls, and other undesirables blowing up my. Now I get initial contact by email, pm and p411 request and only give number after screening. Originally Posted by LadyRed

Posting phone numbers used to be the way to go. But the hobby has evolved and I think Red's method is becoming more popular. That way if you lose your work phone its not more than an inconvenience.
If you post your number make it voicemail only, stating in the ad to leave a msg with all necessary info if reaching by phone. If they call and don't leave any info just bs, then don't call them back. Simple screening to weed out over the phone time wasters
If you post your number make it voicemail only, stating in the ad to leave a msg with all necessary info if reaching by phone. If they call and don't leave any info just bs, then don't call them back. Simple screening to weed out over the phone time wasters Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina

I get just as many e mail time wasters ( in fact MORE) than I do phone call 'time wasters'. And it's true, it works both ways...providers can waste a client's time too potentially.
providers can waste a client's time too. Originally Posted by alluringava