Galaxy note ll

Anybody tried them out yet? Do you like it? Just looking for some feedback from users before I check them out. Thanks!
shortblkguy's Avatar
I have had one for 1.5 monthes & love it. It's not as large as the 5.5" screen would have you believe and the extra real estate makes for great web browsing and reading. I would recommend it.
I was a diehard iPhone lover. I was so skeptical that I kept my iPhone4 and added a line for the Note. I literally couldn't imagine like after the iPhone. 2hrs with the Galaxy and I was already convinced. The big screen is awesome and it has a reject list where you can block/unblock numbers from your phone without having to contact your service provider. The OS was the deciding factor; 1000x better than the iPhone.

Go for it! Definitely!
KatieKatie's Avatar
I have it too, Brittany! I don't like the lag and can't remember the app for saving energy. My battery is always dead and I don't browse or talk on the phone too much. My Angry Birds addiction is another story. jkjkjk!!!
Well I checked it out and I love it as well. Only bad part is that I will have 4 useless iPhone compatible ihome audio systems.

On second thought, I could just keep the iPhone for iTunes only.
Well, I took y'all's advice and y'all suck penises for recommending that piece of crap to me..

No seriously, I freaking love it myself and I was a die hard iPhone user. I haven't even picked up my iPad either since getting the note 2.

Thanks for the comments!